Draco's Request

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Draco's POV

I had just seen Professor Dumbledore's funeral with Snape. We were hidden, but I heard everything. Including Faline's beautiful song. It nearly brought me to tears when we had to leave.

All I wanted to do was hug her and apologize when I saw her crying. But Snape had a firm hand on my shoulder. I remember the night we fled Hogwarts after Snape killed the headmaster. I didn't want to leave, but I had no choice with my Aunt there.

When we arrived back to Malfoy Manor that night I saw that my Father had returned from Azkaban. I greeted him and my Mother before going to bed. Voldemort arrived the next day and was delighted by the news of Dumbledore's death. He told Snape to go to the funeral to make sure Dumbledore was dead. I went with him wanting to see Faline one last time.

We arrived back at the manor after Snape guaranteed Dumbledore was indeed dead. He told the Dark Lord this and he was pleased. I gathered all my courage and  asked to speak to talk to the Dark Lord in private. He granted my request and Snape left the room.

"What is you wish to talk about Draco?" the Dark Lord asked. We were in my families living room with his snake. I told him that I had a request and he asked want it was. He told me he couldn't make deal without knowing my request and why I'm asking for it.

"There is this girl I love and I don't want her to be hurt during this war. I want you to guarantee that none of my fellow deatheaters, you or your snake will harm her" I told him. The Dark Lord thought of my request then asked who the girl was.

"Faline Potter, Harry Potter's younger sister" I told him while I looked into the fire. He laughed when I told him her name. I remained still and kept my courage. because I loved Faline and only wanted her safe and happy.

"If she surrenders to my rule and doesn't fight. I promise no harm will came too her. But I cannot be held accountable for want happens in battle. If she gets hurt during a fight there is nothing I can do" he told me. I nodded knowing it was my best bet to protect Faline.

I shook his hand before leaving the room and went to my bedroom. I wrote a letter to Faline asking her not to fight. Though I knew how stubborn she was and that she'd fight no matter want anyone said.

Faline's POV

We just got home from the station and I finished unpacking. When there was a tap on my window. I turned to see Draco's owl and gave it a treat taking the letter.

After I read the letter I was furious at Draco. How dare he think he can control my life after everything his done. Tonks called me downstairs for dinner and I headed down leaving the letter on my nightstand.

During dinner Uncle Remus told me that they planned to marry soon. They wanted me to be their witness. It would only be Tonks parents and I that were going to attend wedding. Tonks and Uncle Remus wanted a small wedding.

Tonks walked with me to my room and I asked "after you marry my Uncle, can I call you Aunty Tonks?" Tears of joy appeared in her eye and she said I could. We hugged each other and she wished me goodnight. When she left I blocked my mind and went to sleep.

The End

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