Ron is Poisoned

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On the way back to Hogwarts on the train Harry told Hermione about Snape's conversation with Draco. Hermione agreed with my Uncle and I saying that Snape was only following Dumbledore's orders. Then Harry tells her about Greyback and how is proves Draco is a deatheater. Hermione told him want they heard Draco say in Knockturn Alley  was an empty threat.

That night I went with Harry to his third private lesson with Dumbledore. I just did home work while they looked at memories and talked. He told us why we needed Slughorn back and asked me to help Harry. Get his real memory of telling Tom Riddle (young Voldemort) about the horcruxes.

I agreed to help as best I could. But Slughorn started to avoid Harry and I knowing something was up. Harry gave up to focus on why Draco was disappearing. I told him to focus on the job Dumbledore gave us. But Harry was to blinded by his own vendetta against Draco.

That night Ron eat chocolates meant for Harry that were lased with a powerful love potion. Harry and I took Ron to Slughorn for an antidote. Slughorn helped us and then pulled out a bottle of mulled mead. I wasn't having any as I was under age, but that didn't stop Harry and Ron though.

It was poisoned and I went through Slughorn's ingredients supply looking for a bezoar. I found it and Harry shoved it down Ron's throat. Ron started breathing again and we took him to the hospital wing.

Professor's Dumbledore, McGonagall and Snape arrived. Dumbledore asked who gave Slughorn the mead. But Slughorn told him didn't know who and that he was going to give it to him as a gift. McGonagall was telling the others how heroic Harry and I were.

The next day we went to the hospital wing to see Ron with Ginny and Hermione. Lavender came in asking where Ron was and why Hermione was here. Hermione told her she was his friend and asked why Lavender was here.

Lavender was saying how she was his girlfriend and how Hermione hadn't talked to him in weeks. Ron started to come around and called Hermione's name. Lavender ran from the room in tears and Hermione held Ron's hand.

I left the room with Ginny and Harry after giving Hermione a wink. She blushed and turned to look at Ron. Ginny and I giggled as Harry gave us a confused look. He asked what was funny, but we didn't tell him.

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