Dumbledore's Funeral

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It was the day of Dumbledore's funeral and then we were heading home on the train. I wore plain black sleeveless dress with black flats. My hair was down in natural waves and I wore no makeup except for some concealer. Only for the bags under my eyes.

McGonagall asked me to speak at Dumbledore's funeral. He'd apparently wanted me too. I agreed and thought of something special I could do. Then I decided to sing a song in his honour. McGonagall was pleased and said that I could.

So here I was on the podium in front of everyone who knew Dumbledore. I started to speak "Albus Dumbledore was more then my headmaster he was my friend. He was like a grandfather to me after my parents died and I started at Hogwarts. When I was asked to speak I was surprised."

I took a deep breath before continuing "then I remembered something Dumbledore told us in my second year. He said 'Happiness can be found even in  the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light'. This song is dedicated to him and that saying. Just when you think, hope is lost and giving up, is all you got..." I started to sing.

"Only love can build us a bridge of light" I finished the song and everyone clapped. I bowed my head and walked of the podium. So that McGonagall could say a few words as Jean and Fawkes sang their own song in the background.

I sat next to Uncle Remus and cried in his shoulder as Tonks cried into the other. He put his arms around us in comfort. Centaurs and mermaids did their own tributes to Dumbledore.

Then he placed into a white tomb near the Black Lake. He was buried in his best robes and with his wand. All us students got onto the train to leave. Uncle Remus had asked if I wanted to leave with him and Tonks. But I declined saying I wanted to stay with Harry a little longer. They understood and told me they'd met me at the station.


Faline's song above 'Bridge of Light' by Pink

A/N ps not last chapter

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