Second Quidditch Match

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With Ron unable to play as our teams keeper. We had to call in McLaggen to fill in for the match. I seriously disliked him he was trying to be the teams captain. That was mine and Harry's job as the captain and vice captain of the team.

Luna was going to commentate the match under McGonagall's watchful gaze. Ron has been avoiding Lavender since he was poisoned. He had mended hos friendship with Hermione and also fixed his relationship with Ginny.

It was the day of the match and McLaggen interrupted Harry's pre-game speech. I was furious with him and was about to hex him. But Ginny stopped me telling me it was only one game. We got into the air and the game began.

We were winning the match while Luna commentated. When McLaggen took my fellow beaters bat. Apparently he was swinging it the right. He actually was doing it the right though, even though McLaggen told him otherwise. McLaggen was showing him the way he thought we should swing the bat.

He ended up hitting Harry in the head as he flew by. Cracking his skull open. I caught the snitch and then beat the crap out of McLaggen. I got a weeks detention from McGonagall, but it was worth it.

I went to the hospital wing to check up on Harry. I saw him telling Dobby and Kreacher to follow Draco. They left and so did I before Harry could see me. I was mad he was bringing the house elves in on his vendetta against Draco.

Later that month harry found out Draco had been sneaking off to the room of requirement. Harry tried to get into the room to see want Draco was doing. But the door was locked. Hermione passed her apperation test, whereas Ron and Harry had to take the test again.

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