The Real Memory

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Hagrid's friend the giant spider Aragog died and he invited us to his burial. Harry also came up with a way to get Slughorn's real memory about horcruxes. I wasn't going to help him and went to Hagrid's hut with Gwen.

When I got to Hagrid's we had some tea and he told me about Aragog. About how Aragog came to be in Hagrid's possession, how he got him a mate and how they had kids. He also told me how everyone thought Aragog was Slytherin's monster. I laughed at this and told him how stupid they were to think that.

We went outside to bury Aragog when Harry arrived with Slughorn. Who said a few words after he took some of Aragog's venom. Then we went into Hagrids hut where he and Slughorn drank fire whiskey.

Harry and I left with Slughorn when Hagrid passed out from drinking to much. We went to Slughorn's office and Harry started talking about our Mum. It made Slughorn give us the real memory. Not wanting to be weak or a coward, but brave like Harry and my Mother.

As Harry and I walked to Dumbledore's office with the memory. I asked Harry if he was using liquid luck and he nodded. Dumbledore was pleased we finally got the real memory. He watched it with Harry while I watched Gwen play with Jean and Fawkes.

The memory proved that Slughorn told Voldemort everything about horcruxes. And that he made six of them. Dumbledore and I already figured out what they were over the summer. Without telling Harry or anyone else.

The six objects were the diary he had in his sixth year, a ring, Slytherins locket, a goblet, something that belonged to Ravenclaw and his snake Nagini. He told Harry want we'd found out. We left the office to go to bed for the night at last.

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