Talk and Draco's Betrayal

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When I got to Dumbledore's office he was already waiting for me behind his desk. I sat across from him and began to speak. "That night Voldemort killed yours and Harry's parents. He made a Horcrux unintentionally and he doesn't even know it exists."

"It's Harry isn't it his the horcrux that's way he can talk to snakes" I said. Dumbledore nodded his head and watched for my reaction. "So we can't kill Voldemort without killing my brother?" I asked.

"Not necessarily there may by a way for Harry to survive" Dumbledore stated thoughtfully. I gave him a quizzical look and he continued. "If Voldemort and only Voldemort used the killing curse on Harry again. It may kill the part of him in Harry leaving Harry alive and unharmed. Harry may be unconscious for short period of time afterwards but he'd be alive."

"That's brilliant sir, but I don't think we should tell harry until all the other horcruxes are destroyed. Or there is only one left" I stated. Dumbledore agreed with my idea and told me he'd tell Snape. Then he finally let me go to bed at two in the morning.

(Hogsmead weekend)

It was time for me to go meet Draco in Hogsmead. I didn't tell anyone of my plans, not even Ginny. I met Draco near the shrieking shack and we took a walk together. At lunch time he suggested we go to the Three Broomsticks after he gave me his cloak. I agreed wanting to get out of the cold weather.

Once we ordered, we talked about the old days. Until Draco said he had to go to the toilet. I saw him take some sort of parcel with him. He came back looking scared. I asked want was wrong and he told me he forgot to met Pansy.

He left quickly not even taking his cloak. I was confused and hurt about him leaving so suddenly. But I saw Harry with his friends and decided to walk with them back to the castle.

We were laughing having a good time when we heard a girl scream. I looked and saw Katie be lifted into the air before she fell into the snow unconscious. I saw the packaging on the ground and recognized it as the one Draco took with him to the bathroom earlier.

I couldn't believe that Draco would ever do this to someone. Hagrid carried Katie to the hospital wing while we went to McGonagall's office. She was talking to Harry, Hermione and Ron whilst Snape examined the necklace that cursed Katie.

We left the office and went to the great hall for dinner. Harry left suddenly I saw Draco had ran out of the door after seeing us. I followed them to a bathroom. By the time I got there it was to late. Harry hit Draco with I spell I'd never seen before.

I was trying to heal Draco's wound when Snape arrived on the scene. He healed Draco's wounds as Harry left the room. I saw something on Draco's left arm and rolled up his sleeve. Want I saw broke my heart it was the deathmark. I ran from the room crying my eyes out. Hermione and Ginny found me in corner of the library and they comforted me.

I didn't know want was worse seeing Harry nearly kill Draco. Finding out Draco had indeed became a Deatheater. Even though he promised me he never would be one. Or finding out that I was in-love with Draco Malfoy.

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