The Astronomy Tower & Battle

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Dumbledore decided that they would go and get the locket. He told me to wait with Snape whilst they were gone. Harry wasn't happy he didn't trust Snape, but he didn't object to Dumbledore's decision. They left by Dumbledore apperating them to their destination.

Snape was in his new office above the defense classroom. It looked different with every new teacher that used it. It looked like a cross from Moody's office from last year and Snape's old one. From when he was our potions master. He didn't seem surprised to see me.

He had ingredients out to make some sort of potion. "I thought it would benefit you to learn how to make the wolfsbane potion. As your guardian is a werewolf" Snape told me and I agreed.

We spent all afternoon making it. Until I could make it perfectly by myself without his help. I knew that he was the 'Half-blood Prince' that my brothers old potion making book belonged too. none of the others had figured it out, not even Hermione. And people say she is the smartest witch of our generation.

She was smart, she got the highest grades in her year. She is also taking the most classes. Not even I did that many lessons in my third year. Hermione got an outstanding in practically all her tests and exams.

We'd just finished packing the supplies when Snape grabbed his left arm. He left the office telling me to call the Order. I took out my mirror and called my Uncle. He told me he was on his way and for me to stay in Snape's office.

Of course I didn't stay when the screams started. I saw a werewolf on top of Bill and shot a spell at him. The werewolf growled at me before running off when my Uncle arrived with some other Order members.

"I thought I told you to stay put?" Uncle Remus asked as he checked Bill's injuries. Tonks was telling me how she and my Uncle were engaged. When someone shot a stunning spell our way.

I blocked it and turned to see Moody. He said "constant  vigilance" before we continued fighting. We got Bill to the hospital wing with little trouble as a group. When the others left to continue fight, my Uncle told me to stay and protect the hospital wing.

I didn't argue this time and guarded the door. When needed I helped Madam Pomfrey tend to her patients. After the battle I saw everyone heading to the bottom of the Astronomy Tower. I left the hospital wing to investigate want was going on.

When I got through the crowd I saw my brother taking a locket from Dumbledore's dead hand. I started to cry and raised my wand to the air with the tip lit. Everyone followed suit and raised their own lit wands to the sky. The deathmark above the astronomy tower disappeared and Harry told us that Snape killed Dumbledore.

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