Meeting With Draco and Tryouts

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Draco turned around startled pointing his wand at my chest. He lowered it when he saw it was only me and gave me an apologetic smile. "How are you Draco?" I asked as we walked down the corridor together.

"It's been hard with my Father in jail, but we coped. I missed you" he told me giving me a faint smile. I pulled him into a hug telling him everything would be ok. That if ever needed someone to talk to I was there. "That means a lot to me Faline, your friendship is the world to me. And I don't want to lose that " Draco told me when we pulled a way.

"You want lose me Draco, I care about you a lot. I'll always be there for you" I told him giving him a kiss on his cheek. He blushed lightly and thanked me for my kindness. I was about to say something else, but Snape interrupted us.

"Excuse me Miss Potter I need to have a private word with Mr Malfoy" Snape told me.

"Of course Professor, I'll see you later Draco. Good night Professor Snape" I said as I turned to leave them.

"Faline do you want to go with me to Hogsmeade on the first weekend?" Draco called after me. I gave him a nodded my head saying I would. Then I went to the common room to do my home work before bed. That night I dreamed of the time Draco took me on a date in Hogsmeade.

(that weekend)

It was time for Quidditch tryouts as I walked with Ginny to the pitch. When we arrived there were a lot of people some weren't even in Gryffindor. They only came to see Harry because they thought he was the chosen one. Which he was but Hermione and I sure it didn't go to his head.

They did tryouts for the chasers first and then Ginny helped Harry with the other tryouts. Ginny was choosing the beaters while Harry choose the keeper. In the end I became one of the beaters and a fourth year boy became the other. Ron became keeper again as he blocked all the goals and the other person trying out missed one goal.

I told Harry I'd help train the other beater some more. He pleased and asked if I wanted to be substitute captain if he couldn't make it to game for some reason. I agreed after the girls told me that I was great last year and lead us to a victory with an inexperience team. We all went back to the castle for the feast.

I sent a letter to Fred and George telling them I became a beater. Then I talked to Uncle Remus using the mirror. As I was about to go to sleep there was a burst of flame and a note from Dumbledore arrived. I sighed and got up leaving my welcoming bed.

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