1. House Of Memories

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"If you're a lover, you should know
The lonely moments just get lonelier
The longer you're in love
Than if you were alone" - House of Memories

Phil's POV

I've been staying at my parent's house for last couple of days, fulfilling my boredom by staying sprawled out on the couch in the living room, watching Buffy for countless hours at a time.
My mum comes in every so often, and shakes her head at me, suppressing a smile at my "childish behaviour".

I just love the show and have nothing better to do with my time. I finished university, graduating with a degree in English Linguistics, which I will probably never even use, and now I'm employed at the video game store, just down the street from my apartment.
I look right for the job anyway, my lanky form always hovering over the counter, my dyed black hair showing that I wasn't TOO dorky, and my bright blues eyes probably looking as dull as ever. I could never wait until I got home, but even then it was boring there too.

My apartment was always lonely, the feeling of emptiness always put a down in my mood. That's why I'm staying here at my parent's place for a while, but I think they're sick of me invading their privacy.

My mum catches me off guard, by plonking down at the end of the couch near my feet. "Phil dear, isn't it time to start getting home?"
I look at her in mock disbelief "but mum, it's way too boring there!"
"Well go outside and do something interesting. Like, go to the park, watch a movie, or maybe even try and get a girlfriend or something"

I roll my eyes at her "mum a PARTNER was never part of the plan". She stares at me for a moment before getting up and leaving the room. She comes back a moment later, hand clattered with my bag of clothes and other items, before she dumps them on my lap. "Well maybe it should be."

"Wait, what do you mean by that?" I ask curiously. "It means, I've seen an advertisement on the television for a show called Bachelorette , where men have to win the love of a young woman. It's quite dramatic really, but never boring and I've decided to sign you up as a contender"

I look at her in actual disbelief now. "Mum! Why would you do that? You know I prefer boys to girls and personally I would never WANT to go on some cheesy romance contest anyway."
She looks at me, remorsefully. "Phillip, you're getting older each day, and I don't want you wasting your life away behind a computer or television screen. Just do this for me, heck you might not even win, but just a reminder I still want some grandchildren out of you"
She says, shaking her finger in my face before standing and leaving the room once again.

Great, now I feel guilty. There's absolutely no getting out of this is there?

Dan's POV

I lay on my stomach, in the centre of my bed, contemplating what I ever did to deserve this.
It's been three months since my last relationship had been broken off. We had been together for over 4 years and it ended because 'it didn't feel the same anymore'. I guess Cat was acting a bit strange up until the breakup, but I didn't realise until it was too late.

I was starting to get over it, I really was, until earlier this morning, I walked into Starbucks with my two best friends, PJ and his girlfriend Megan. PJ was tall and lanky like me, with hazel- green eyes and a bit of a pointed jaw, definitely handsome for a guy from around these parts of England. Megan had long brown hair, which she complained about when it got hot, hazel eyes and one of the nicest smiles that you would ever come across.

Anyway as we walked into our usual Starbucks, my eyes locked onto the blonde hair of my ex-girlfriend Cat, who was sitting in our booth at the back, sucking face with some other guy.

At that moment I turned around, heading straight home as the memories of our relationship flooded my mind and clouded my thoughts. I knew I wouldn't shed any tears over this little incident, but now I feel void of any emotion.

I feel a dip in the bed as Peej sits next to me, and Megan runs her fingers soothingly through my hair. Their words of encouragement clatter together in groups of "it'll be alright" "don't worry you're better than that" and "maybe it's time to move on". With those words I lift my head, and meet their worried eyes.

I sigh loudly, before rolling into my back "was it all worth it guys?" They look at me in confusion. "I threw away 4 years of my life on a girl, who I now mean nothing to, was it really worth it?"
PJ was the next to reply "technically yes because in those times over those 4 years, you were happy Dan and we all love it when you're happy."

"Yeah" Megan chimes in "it may have ended badly, but at least you know that she is over it, so you can put it all behind you and move on" PJ glared at her, his eyes telling her 'you could've said it better than that'. She realises what he means and looks down.

"No Peej, she's right maybe I should just move on, I mean she already has" PJ jumps off the bed in happiness "that's the spirit dan, and I've got the perfect idea on how to move on quite quickly, as a matter of fact"

"What do you mean PJ?" I ask quizzically, running my hand through my chocolate brown hair in slight frustration. "Well you can get over her, by signing up as a contender in that new show Bachelorette, I mean you win, get the girls heart, you're over Cat. All while, Cat can see you on every TV and magazine, for being on that show, and it will give her the idea, that you are DEFINITELY over her. So what do you say?"

I thought about for a while, but I felt guilty about putting her through the pain of seeing me everywhere she goes.

"Eh maybe not Peej"
"Why not? I think it's a really good idea and that you should do it. Like cmon, PJ has actually said something smart for once" Megan pipes up, cheekily.

"Hey!" Peej shouts defensively.
"aww shush, you know I'm joking" Megan says as she kisses PJ on the cheek, causing him to go bright red.

"Ew no PDA please!" I yell, while half laughing. "But okay I might consider it" I grin at them, my dimple protruding out of my cheek.

"That's the spirit!" Megan yells and before I could take anything back, the couple had already grabbed the computer, filled in the form online and pressed submit.

Uh oh what had I done....



Hey guys, I started this new book and I'm excited To keep updating again. It's been a while since I was last on wattpad, so hopefully j can update my other stories soon as well. I don't exactly know how long each one will be? But some may be a lot shorter than others. Anywhale, stay tuned for more updates and hopefully we can complete a book!

Thanks guys,
Lots o love,
Elisaveth ❤️

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