9. The Good, The Bad and The Dirty

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"If you wanna start a fight
You better throw the first punch
Make it a good one
And if ya wanna make it through the night
You better say my name like
The good, the bad, and the dirty" - The Good, The Bad and The Dirty.

Dans POV

Today was the day that we were returning to my house. Well not entirely, MY house, I also share it with Pj, and more-or-less with Megan, since she is there most of the time as well. I hadn't told them that Phil and I were coming home today, but when we arrived to surprise them, they were nowhere to be seen.

"hmm, probably gone shopping or something" i tell Phil, shrugging before placing out suitcases outside my bedroom. Megan is always taking Peej shopping, needing a new Bastille shirt or cute knick knacks for her ever-growing collection. I told Phil to place his stuff inside my room, then check the kitchen for something to eat, while i just give Peej a call in the living room.

The phone rings about three times, before i hear Pj's voice break the dial tone. "Hello?" he starts, probably not checking the caller ID. "Hey Peej" i say into the phone. "what's been happening?" "oh not much" he replies, "at the moment we are just down at Lush, because Megan was after the new bath bomb to test out. You know how she is..." This statement makes me laugh, of course Megan is shopping at Lush. "yeah man, i get it" "so..." he replies, "How's the show been for you, we missed the last episode because, Megan and I had to visit my parents."

"Oh the show..." i start, "The show has been absolutely fantastic. Phil and I have been closer than ever, and we always just hang with each other and he is literally a ball of sunshine and happiness and..." i continue to ramble, not noticing that i was getting off track. "in the mornings when we wake up, we have a little bit of free time, so we sit there in our pyjamas and eat cereal while watching an anime series. And-" "DAN" Pj interrupted me, I stopped my ranting abruptly, cheeks going a little pink in embarrassment. "I asked how The Bachelorette was going, not the Phil Lester show" Peej says, the tone in his voice, hinting with amusement.

"uh, sorry..." I say. I go to ask Peej something else before he interrupts me again. "Uh dan, sorry but i have to go, I have to somehow get Megan away from the pet store now. Bye!" "Goodb-" I start to say before the dial tone is sounding through the phone. I shake my head fondly at my friends' antics, they haven't changed one bit. I suppress a grin, before going into the kitchen to find Phil, shovelling cereal into his mouth with his bare hand. "Hey that's my cereal!" I say jokingly. phil jumps not realising that I had just got there. "You said i could get something to eat, but you didn't specify what" he replies cheekily, an adorable smile forming across his face. "Okay whatever" i say, "come on lets go pick a movie to put on."

We go into the living room and end up watching Harry Potter and The Philosophers Stone. They couldn't choose between that or The Lion King but decided to just have a whole Harry Potter marathon instead. About three quarters of the way through the movie, Pj and Megan arrived back to the flat. They definitely didn't expect us to be here so soon and just smothered us in big hugs, before sitting on the couch opposite from the one, Phil and I were seated on. They got all cuddled up and watched the next two movies with us, before I realised Phil was falling asleep on my shoulder.

I didn't really know how we had gotten this close, throughout the movies, not that i minded at all. I looked down to see Phil's half closed blue eyes, focusing intently on the screen watching as Harry and Hermione use the time-turner to fix a problem. I wasn't really paying attention to the movie, i was more focused on Phil's calm breathing and his features seeming to glow from the lighting of the screen. "Phil?" i say, trying to get his attention. He hums in response, turning to look directly into my eyes making me let out an almost inaudible gasp. I regain composure before suggesting we should head to bed. Phil nods in agreement and we tell the couple on the couch, that we were going to get some shuteye. They barely responded, more caught up in cuddling each other to really notice.

Phil and I head to my room, each taking turn in using the bathroom, like we do on the set of the show. When we finish, we both climb into bed, only having my bed to sleep in anyway. I sigh, as i realise how much i've actually missed my bed. I'm laying on my back, when look to my left to see Phil, staring intently at me, having not uttered a word since we got under the covers. His eyes looking a bit unfocused, as if he were thinking. I turn a little to face him better, making him snap out of his trance-like stare and focus on me instead. Phil gives me a tired smile, before surprising me by saying "Thanks for being my friend Dan." His face is so genuine and honest, that i can't help but giggle and reply "Thank you for being mine." He seemed content with my response, snuggling more into my pillows, before whispering a quiet goodnight.

I stare at him for a few more minutes, taking in all of his features and the feeling that Phil gave to me. Thinking i had given him enough time to actually fall asleep, I lift my hand to caress his face, moving his fringe from his closed eyes as i do. Phil's breaths are even and he seemed to be completely still. Before i had any chance of second-guessing myself, I close my eyes, lean down and place my lips on his kissable ones. As expected, i don't feel a response, but as i pull back, just enough to look at his face, I see his bright blue eyes shining back up at me.

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••A/N: Hey guys! So cliffhanger eh? Sorry I had to. Also sorry for not uploading earlier but u don't have much time to upload as often as I wish, but I will try to upload at least once or twice a week! Please bear with me on this one guys!
Anywhale, I must sleep.

Lots o love,
Elisaveth ❤️

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