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"Oh? Someone's moving in?" I asked, walking pass the moving truck in front of the apartment building.

Juggling the bags of groceries in my arms as i kicked open the door. Shoelaces slapping the floor as i went to the elevator. Clicking the button and patiently waiting for it to open.

Stepping off onto my floor and made a sharp left. Almost tripping on the couch's leg as I walked by an open door with movers inside. "Shit." A orange popped out of the plastic bag. Rolling until it met the tip of someone's shoe.

Lifting my eyes from the shoes to a middle aged male's face. His eyes hollowed in with a slender nose. "Here's your orange. I doubt you want it back since it just touched my foot."

"No, it's fine." I smiled and attempted to grab the orange by flaying my hand at it. He chuckled and grabbed my hand, placing the orange in it. "Thanks." I popped, arching my back at the weight of holding the bags.

"You're welcome."

"Perhaps do you know who's moving in this apartment?" My eyes finding its way back into the white painted apartment. Everything in it was... white.

"Um, I heard from my boss that it's a guy from South Korea coming. Don't know what he's about but that's what I was told." He nodded at his words.

"Ahhhh okay, thank you. Excuse me" I nodded before scooting pass him and the white couch on the polished wooden floor. My back slightly brushed the red, brick wall.

Okay. Now how do I get the key out if my pocket? Leaning my body and the bags against the wall, I shoved my hand in my right but pocket. Searching for it until realizing it was cuffed under my butt cheek.

Pushing the door open, I dropped everything on the landing and stepped off the tiny concrete stair and onto the wooden floor.

Picking my hair out from my afro. I grabbed the handles of the bags and to the kitchen. "It would've been nice to have someone to help me around here." I breathed.

I was lonely. After breaking up with my boyfriend four years ago, I haven't been out yet. Staying huddled up in my house slobbering over pictures of hot men.

I was not shy, definitely lonely. But not shy. I've talked to quite a few men over the four years but I never made anything out it. They always wanted one thing.


No, I'm not a virgin but if you think you're going to get some on the first date then you got another thing coming.

Organizing the refrigerator, I sighed out as I crashed lazily onto my red couch. Sinking into the plush redness. To my dismay my hair snagged on the thread of the cushion. Having me howl out in pain before lurching up.

"Aw you mother fu-" My phone blared the famous ringtone of Jay Park. I looked down at the table to see my mother's face plastered on the screen.

"Man what does she want?" Smacking my lips and sliding my fingers on the device.

"Lauren? Hello?" Her voice crackled through the speaker.

"Yes, Ma?"

"I haven't heard from you. How are things in New York? I seen your Section in that popular magazine." She chuckled.

It's only been a week since we spoke. "Everything's fine mother. I've been working really hard at the office lately. Putting in extra hours. And how was it?" My eyes lit up. Hearing about the section I wrote on how black women are queens and deserve nothing but kings.

"It was interesting, you never really hear the talk about black women. We need more of it though. And that's good baby. Hope everything else works fine for you. Your father and I will be visiting soon. Just to let you know."

"Hey babygirl!" My dad screamed from the background. Making the dog bark in response.

"Hey dad. And alright mom, you guys can stay here when you come."

"Alright now. Take care. I love you and pay attention to your surroundings m'kay?" Her voice dripped seriousness.

Shaking my head with my teeth showing. "Okay mother. Talk to you later. Love you too. Alright, bye." I hung up and flopped back down. Staring at the high, white ceiling.

"What do 22 year olds do for fun?" I asked the air.

No response.

"Guess I'll have to find out." I unknowingly looking over to the wall that would soon have my neighbor on the other side.

Just typed this. Might type more.


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