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Hearing that there wouldn't be any summer programs at the school made me ecstatic. Realizing that I could go visit Jimin for a little while.

Packing my things in my bags and suitcases. I didn't bother to notify Jimin as to letting this be a surprise. Also wanting to see his neighbor after him explaining to us what had happened that day.

Bidding my farewells to my friends and family. I was off.

"The flight will be ending shortly." One of the employees said.

I groan with disgust, being stuck in between two people that deserves to sit alone. Jerking my arms forward as I hugged myself. I ran off the plane in joy. If I was on that plane any longer I would've crashed it.

"Oh! Taxi, taxi!" I raised my hand up like the Americans do in the movies. A taxi stopped not too far from me as I sat everything onto the backseat.

"Destination?" The driver asked. Looking into the rear view mirror.

"Umm address." I put the paper against the glass separating us.

"Alright." He said before turning in his seat.

Rain pellets dropped on the windows, blinding the people on the side walk. Attacking the ones without an umbrella. Tapping my hand on my thigh, I couldn't possibly keep myself still.

Thirty minutes later the car stopped in front of a tall, brick building. "That'll be 80 dollars." He tapped the monitor that displayed the price.

I looked down and felt my pockets. Only pulling out a twenty dollar bill.

I need that...

"But, only 20 dollars." I swallowed.

"Well, I'm going to have to take you back to the airport." He grumbled, grabbing the gearshift. Pulling it to reverse.

Panicking, my eyes widened before I grabbed the door's handle. Jerking it open, while jumping out in the process. I snatched my bags out the backseat and ran towards the building.

"Aye!! Fucking asians!" The guy got out the driver's seat. My feet gliding over the ground as I kept running to the glass door.

I was gone.

Bending down to catch my breath, I pressed the button to Jimin's floor. I didn't mean to run but he was going to take me back to the airport. Couldn't let him do that.

Raising my head as I fanned my shirt up and down. Feeling the sweat trickle down my stomach.

Gathering my stuff as the doors opened, I walked out. Stopping in shock as I seen Jimin and this black girl attached to him.

"Jimin?" He instantly spat out whatever was in his mouth and looked up. The girl stopped as her mouth dropped. Staring at me intensely.

Jimin jumped out of her grab and pulled me to his door in anger. Slamming the door behind us.

"YOU COULD'VE AT LEAST CALLED. WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE A MONTH EARLY??!" He screamed his head off. Stomping his feet on the threshold.

"Surprise?" I nervously chuckled. Shrugging my shoulders.


"So who was that black girl hugging all on you?" My eyes closed as I laid my head on the white couch. Jimin sitting on the floor in front of me.

"Lauren." He said quietly, not making an effort of looking up. Twirling his fingers through the plush rug.

"Who?" I sat up.

"Lauren." His teeth clenched as my lips formed a smirk.

"Oooooooh, that was her house you were in... so do you mind if I meet her now?" I voiced, getting up as my feet walked my body to the door.

"Y-yes! I do mind, I don't want-" Jimin's voice becoming faint as I stepped in the hallway. Turning left towards the apartment and the glass window.

"HEEELLLLOOOO!" I bammed on her door. Hitting it harder once I seen Jimin hop out of his door.

"Who is it?" Lauren answered, opening her door slowly.

"ABJBSRHJCVJUVSECK!" I screamed in her face while wiggling my hands. Skipping pass her with an amused smile on my face.

 Skipping pass her with an amused smile on my face

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"What the hell?!" She screamed.

"Oh my god." Jimin facepalmed, leaning on the door's frame.

My mom threw me off my writing game. Can't think straight now.

 Can't think straight now

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Excuse my errors. I'll correct them later.


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