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Lauren... was all I thought about as I slept.

My body was slouched across my pillow as a puddle of drool formed at the crack of my mouth. I stayed up pretty late last night. Thinking of a way to ask Lauren out but came up with nothing.

Is she even into me like that? She might like Jimin more. I honestly have nothing to lose so I'll just ask.

Turning my body over, I bumped into something hard. My eyes were still closed as i patted whatever was beside me. Feeling a lump then a nose. I instantly screamed as I thought a dead body crawled into the bed with me.

"O-OO!" I jerked my hand away as I sat up and stared at the person beside me.


His ass was not lying.

"Wake up." I slapped his cheek. Leaving my hand print on his face.

I was slowly becoming angry at the fact that his ass got into my bed when he could've slept on the couch.

"Hm? Oh good morning. Did you miss me?" Namjoon mumbled as he stretched. Rubbing his cheek as he winced. "Why does my cheek hurt?"

"I don't know why your cheek hurts. No i didn't miss you." I got up from the bed. Not caring that I didn't have my shirt on.

Putting on my house shoes, I smelled my breath before grabbing the door knob. Stepping into the cold hallway and onto the door matt of Lauren's house.

It was still quite early and I was still tired. Knocking as soft as I could, I waited for about five minutes before she answered.

"Hoseok?" She rubbed her eyes. Her body covered with a red robe.

I gave a lazy smile as I gently pushed her aside. Taking off my shoes and walking to the bedroom I assumed was hers.

I laid down and snuggled into her scented pillows. It smelled just like her hair did. She stood in the door way for a while before slinking the robe of her body climbing in beside me.

I scooted closer as i wrapped my arm around her. Burying my nose into her neck.

"Can you go on a date with me?" I murmured.

I heard her suck in a breath. Pressing herself even more into my chest. "Sure, Hoseok."

"Good answer." I chuckled before drifting off to sleep.

Ever wonder what Hoseok thought. Well now you know.

Small chapter for my Hoseok and Lauren shippers. I'm typing another one today so yup. I'm light headed as hell rn. And my mom won't let me roll down the fucking window. Saying it's cold when it's literally an oven inside the car.



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