Chapter Seven: Who He Is

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Rey's POV - - -

It was lunch time. I made it through half of my day. I only have 3 more classes. Art. Math. Science. The only good thing is art. But who cares I'll be done soon.

"Hey, Rey." I was coming out of English. I turned to see Finn.

"Hi Finn."

"Do you want to go get some lunch off campus?"

"Sure! I would love to." I stopped at my locker. With Finn's help of direction. Some guy ran into my side.
He had black hair. Pale skin. Tall.

"Who's that?" I aksed Finn.

"His name is Kylo Ren."

"Everyone seems afraid of him. Why?"

"That's not important. You just need to stay away from him Rey. He is dangerous."

"Okay. I'm new here. If you say so." I looked at him. There's more that he isn't telling me but who cares?

Kylo's POV - - - -

I was sitting on the hood of my car with Hux when I saw her walk out with the traitor.

They were coming in this direction.

"Dang girl. Finn who's the new girl." I I punched him

"None of your business Hux." Finn said. They kept walking. She had a questioning face.

I wonder if she remembers or still has no clue who I am? I pulled out my phone. The lock screen was now black. Leading to the home screen of her and me. I texted Poe.

" Hi Poe."....
...." Ben... I haven't heard from you in a while. How are you. "

"Fine. Just fine. How's Rey. She remember? "

"No. Sadly not. She still has no memory of those 5 years. I'm sorry Ben. But hey, we moved."


"Ya. Los Angeles. If you ever drive through you should stop by. Dad asked about you the other day."

"I think it's best if I don't. "...


"Like I told Rey's nurse. You can't tell someone they love you. "

I left that there. I put my phone down and looked at the car driving away.

"Ren..." I looked at Phasma. She was staring at me. " are you feeling okay?"
"I'm great!"

"You don't seem so."

"I'm just thinking about my past. "

"Oh. Okay. I'm here if you need me." She smiled and sat down by Hux.

"Hey, Gweny. Why don't you ever tell me you're there for me?"

"Because, you solve all you problems by cussing then laughing. You need no support."

Hux started laughing. I rolled my eyes and laughed. Leading to Gwen also laughing.

" I'm gonna go guys. "

"Ok. Ren. Remember what I said don't push it out. "

"Okay Gwen."

I walked inside of the school and walked around. I breathed. She was here. How perfect. Maybe it's my chance. She seems fine with Finn. Why would she go for me since I am the way I am and I hang out with Hux and Phasma.

Rey's POV - - -

Finn took me to subway. I made it through the weirdest thing I have ever seen. Art. The class was crazy and no art was being done. No teacher, just art supplies.

I made my way to my math class. I walked into a naturally lighted room. It was nice.

"Oh, hello. you must be my new student, Rey."


"The only seat available is that one in the back corner. "

"Okay. Thank you. " I walked back there. That Ren guy walked in and sat next to me I the desk to the right of me. Finn also walked in and sat in the front. Assigned seating. I sighed.

"Got a problem?" Ren asked.

"No. I was thinking. And even if I did it's none of your concern. "

"Ok." Class was filled with boring stuff. I was ahead back in San Diego. So it was old. I didn't really pay attention. I just thought about Ren. And his rudeness earlier. But his question. Hmmph. Who is he. He is like a mystery wrapped burrito. Burrito? Do I like burritos? I don't know. I'll ask Poe. Does Ren? Or Finn? Class slowly passed.

Kylo's POV - - -

Class ended and she walked out. The whole class time she was staring out the window. As she did before. Her response. It was her. She's in there.
But I don't need to mess with it. It's her problem. Not mine. Forget her.

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