Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

"Avery it's over we're done!" My friend Brianna squealed! Jumping on me.

"Woah calm down its only the end of junior year. We have a whole year ahead of us before its 'done' officially" I said peeling her off of me.

"That might be true but I have a surprise for you" she said jumping up and down pulling something well two somethings out of her black skinny jeans. She held them up and I pulled one out of her hand.

"No way. No way these are real. Bri don't lie to me right now." I said screaming. I looked down at the concert ticket in my hand.

"It's real my mom bought them before they even went on sale. She told her boss she wanted something to give me for not getting thrown out of school." She smiled

"Brianna I have never loved you more than I do right now" I squeezed her with everything I had in me. I was going to see Panic! at the Disco in concert.

"It's tomorrow last minute I know but who cares we are going to see Brendon Urie's flawless face in person" She said and we jumped up and down.

"I'm sleeping over your house tonight, but I have to go home burn all my school work and get cloths for tomorrow" I said parting from her.

"My place no later than 8 o'clock got it?" she asked

"Got it" I screamed from down the hall.

I got in my older brothers car.

"Hey Brad. Guess what!" I said buckling my seatbelt.

"What Avery? No yelling in my car little brat" he said. Brad never means anything mean he says to me it's just us making fun of each other innocently. We actually have an amazing relationship compared to most siblings.

"I'm going to see Panic! tomorrow with Brianna" I squealed

"What no way ill buy the ticket off you." he said looking at me for a brief second then turning back to the road.

"You're crazy never in a billion years" I laughed at him as we pulled into the driveway of our huge house.

"Mom! Guess what!" I screamed running into the kitchen where I knew she'd be.

"You're going to see Panic! at the Disco tomorrow with Brianna. Brianna's mom just called me." My mom said.

"Well I'm grabbing clothes and leaving. I'm gonna sleep over Brianna's house so I can get ready there" I said

"Okay honey have fun. Here my mom said slipping me ten, twenty dollar bills. Buy snacks on your way to Brianna's orders directly from her and concert spending money. Have the greatest time of you life." She said

I kissed her cheek. "thank you mom" I said running up the stairs to my room. I grabbed about 5 different outfits because I change my mind a lot. I changed into one of my old black Panic! tanktops and pink and black plaid pajama pants. I've been to Walmart in my bathing suit before. Its Walmart you could do worse. My brown hair came about a little longer than my shoulders and I threw it up into a messy bun.

"Brad drive me to Walmart then Brianna's" I shouted.

"Lets go" he shouted back. Too easy I thought.

We pulled into Walmart and I told him I'd be back in 10 minutes. I got out of the car and walked inside grabbing a shopping cart. I started scanning the isles when my iPhone started playing my text tone. It was a song by Panic! I like it. I was texting when someone next to me started laughing. I flipped the guy off not looking up.

"Nice text tone" the person next to the guy said.

"Nice shirt" the one who laughed said.

I looked up at the two guys talking to me. "Wait hold on. You're Brendon Urie and you're Ryan Ross" I said starstruck.

"No you must be thinking of another band" Brendon said

"Bren shut up. Yeah I'm Ryan" Ryan said

"Oh uh I'm uh Avery" I said

"You sure you seemed to have panicked" Brendon said and started hysterically laughing. I gave him a death glare.

"Dang feisty little one, aren't we" Brendon said after he stopped laughing. I shook it off.

"Do you mind taking a picture with me? Not to seem like a creepy fangirl but its not everyday you see your favorite band in Walmart." I laughed nervously.

"Sure Avery. Brendon go stand next to her and act like a human being" Ryan said taking my phone. Brendon came and wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. I smiled and he made a weird face. Ryan gave him a look and Brendon smiled. Ryan and Brendon swapped places. But instead having his arm around my waist Ryan wrapped me up in a sideways hug and kissed the top of my head. I have to admit I was dying inside. Brendon handed me back my phone and I pulled him and Ryan back into the frame for a quick picture of the three of us.

My phone started ringing it was Brianna. "gimme 10 seconds" I mouthed picking up the phone. "hey kinda busy at the moment" I said into the phone

"Avery get back to bed" Brendon quietly whispered shouted.

I covered his mouth with my hand and he licked my hand. "ew did you just lick me" I said wiping my hand oh his shirt.

"Avery where are you, who licked you. Do you not realize we have concert prep to do!" Brianna said in one breath.

"Bree I will tell you later and concert prep is being distracted by concert boys. Don't ask be there in 20 minutes" I said and hung up.

"you don't even know where my hands been and you licked it" I said wiping my hand on his shirt again.

"I trust your hands. So concert prep" Brendon said nudging me as I walked down the isle throwing snacks in my wagon.

"Would it happen to be a little band called Panic! at the Disco playing at Madison Square Garden tomorrow?" He said smirking.

"Yes. I'm going to the concert tomorrow. Problem?" I asked.

"Nope." Brendon said popping the P.

"Sorry guys to break this up but Brendon we gotta go" Ryan said looking up from his phone.

"Damn. It was nice meeting you Avery." Brendon said hugging me. Ryan hugged me too and kissed my head.

"It was nice meeting you" Ryan said running after Brendon.

I payed for my stuff and ran out to Brads car, almost getting hit by a speeding Black Mustang convertible. "Bye Avery" Ryan screamed out the top. I shook my head and crossed the parking lot towards Brads car.

"Dude took you long enough" he said

"Yeah but look" I said showing him the pictures finally screamed my excitement.

"Which one of them licked you and why, Brianna called me" he said

"Brendon and because I covered his mouth with my hand now lets go" I said. He laughed and shook his head.

"Avery where have you been, I've been freaking out. You don't just say concert prep is getting stalled by concert boys and hangup!" She yelled. I held my phone up with my new background of the picture of Brendon, Ryan and I. She screamed so loud it sounded like she was getting murdered.

"Okay calm down" I said laughing

"How, When, Where, What" she said jumping me.

"They heard my ringtone, like 30 minutes ago, at Walmart, and I don't know I still can't believe it myself" I answered all her questions. For the rest of the night we watched movies and ate snacks. I tweeted the pictures to Brendon and Ryan and they both followed me and were flipping out about being sorry they ditched me. I was so ready for tomorrow!

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