August Concerts

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I saw Panic! again August 5th it was second time seeing them. Honestly I enjoyed the opening acts more because I feel like The Gospel Tours set list was way too similar to the TWTLTRTD set list. Magic Man was supposed to come out and meet fans but never did so I was pretty disappointed but Walk The Moon played Anna Sun and I LOVE that song.

(more stuff happened with everyone i met but its late and i have to wake up early) >>> August 16th I believe it was I went to a small "local show" I really only went to see a band called 7 Minutes in Heaven who I talked about meeting at Warped Tour. While my friend Heather and I stood on line to get in Alex who is in the band and is my favorite he rode past on his penny board and he fell off so I started laughing causing Heather to laugh and I couldn't stop laughing so Alex was like "Haha very funny, laugh it up" which caused me to laugh even harder. Heather and I were the 13th and 14th people online and we were the end of the line at that point but after that it slowly started getting longer. So then when Alex rode past again I gave him a high five. Then we got inside and some bands played then we ended up meeting Timmy who's is also in 7MIH and he smelt so good. So I got a picture with Timmy and he hugged me in the picture and gave me a hug before the picture and he's adorable. Then we met this really cute guy Sean who was in The Millennium who was so good. Then we met Derek from The Big Time and TBT was amazing. But Derek was going to meet people at the merch table but we were more by the stage so he gave us both hugs and thanked us for coming. We decided to leave the stage even though we upfront leaning on the stage (barricade but there was no barricade) So we got a picture with Derek and he was really cute and sweet he hugged us both a total of four times and I couldn't even count how many times he thanked us. Then we this cute guy Adam who was kinda awkward but he was chill. 7MIH played and were amazing omg we got our spots upfront back and stood In front of Alex. Then after 7MIH played as they were leaving the stage I called out Ryan's name (drummer of 7MIH) and he came over and high fived heather and I and squatted down to talk to us while on stage he talked to us for like five minutes and told us he was gonna finish clearing the stage but he would walk around to meet people and to come find him so we could continue talking. Then we went and found Alex and he was so cute I love him. He hugged me for the picture and when I pulled away so Heather could take a picture with him he pulled me back to him and hugged me even tighter and then let go. So we talked to him for awhile and he recognized me from twitter because I tweeted him saying I wanted to get in his "stage selfie" which I did. I told him how we met them at Warped and he said "wait you didn't know us but met us at warped and you're back so soon" so we were like yeah you guys are amazing and he was like "oh my god you guys are extra special" so he hugged us again and he gives the best hugs in the entire world. So Alex ended up hugging us again before we walked away and then we found Ryan. So we talked to Ryan for like 15-20 minutes and everyone was getting impatient he was adorable and so nice and he gave us a bunch of hugs. So I told Ryan about how on Younow the night before the concert I told him we were going and he said we should hangout so he was like "and look at us hangout it worked out perfectly" and he remembered us off the Younow. He was like "how long did you watch the Younow" so we told him the whole time and he was like "you two watched a three hour younow of us being stupid" and we were just like uh yeah. So we talked to Ryan for awhile but felt bad for the other people so told him we'd talk to him later. Then we talked to Justin who was touring with 7MIH he's not actually in the band he is friends with them and just screamed in one song with them. But Justin us ridiculously hot and he knew my friend from the YouNow because she was sitting in my sink "so he was like oh you were the one in the sink I liked your Mario pants" which was weird he remembered her pants but it was so funny. So I wanted a pic with him but he was selling merch so I was like I wanna take a pic with you so he was like "So take one" so I was like ew the merch table will be in it that's gross so he started laughing and was like "how is that gross" and I was like just cause its gross but we took one anyways and it came out blurry because merch table pics aren't as good. So then we had to leave so as we were leaving I saw Ryan again so I was like Ryan were leaving and he was like "aw you guys are leaving, okay get home safe, thank you for coming and I wanna see you guys again. I don't know when we are coming back here but when we do you guys better come!" So he hugged us both and we agreed to see them again. It was one of the best concerts I've been to because all the bands walked around before and after their sets and met all the fans. I'm really upset we had to leave at 7:30 because the bands stayed until like 11 just hanging out with fans and stuff. It was so amazing though and I really miss all the guys and I really hope to see them again soon :)

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