Chapter 20

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AW GUYS IM SORRY! I didn't realize how my little note at the end seemed like the story was over its not sorry guys I hope you don't hate me <3


I jolted up realizing I was still in the hotel bed. Pete sat looking at me like I was crazy as I took deep breaths in and out trying to calm my racing heart. I wiped my forehead free of the little beads of sweat and quickly wiped away the tears on my cheeks. That was not a fun dream, correction nightmare.

"Are you okay?" Pete asked slowly and cautious like I might have a mental break down right in the moment.

"Not really" I said my trying to control my voice but failing miserably as it cracked mid-word. Tears pricked behind my eyes again as I tried to rapidly blink them away.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He got up from the chair he had been sitting in and sat next to me on the bed. I tried wiping away the tears but they just kept coming as he pulled me into a hug.

"I had a nightmare that Brendon was dead." I sobbed into his chest he played with strands of my hair as I continued crying.

"You still love him don't you?" Pete finally said after a few minutes of the only sound I heard was my soft cries.

"Yes, I mean I don't know. I think I do but I know I shouldn't he cheated on me then tried to lie about it. I don't know how to feel." I sighed in defeat.

"He is the most conceited asshole I've ever met but he's also one of my best friends and I know he cares about you like, a lot. Im not telling you what to do but maybe you should give him a second chance, you have to understand he's a celebrity and your relationship will probably be hell due to the entire fan base and paparazzi being involved but then you have those amazing moments where non of that matter because you love each other and it's just right to be with each other." I heard the door open and close. Looking up I saw Patrick as he noticed my tear stained cheeks he dropped the few bags he had on the counter and practically tackled me in a hug. I tensed as he hugged me but quickly relaxed and hugged him back as Pete went to take out whatever Patrick had bought.

"Why are you crying?" Patrick said in a slight baby voice looking down at me in his arms.

"I had a nightmare Brendon died." I said as he hugged me tighter.

"Ill make you a deal once you eat some soup and take some medicine Pete and I will bring you up to the hospital. Deal?" Patrick offered.

"What about what Dallon said about my fever" I asked noticing that my nose had gone stuffy.

"We will deal with him when we have to" Pete said handing me a small cup of purple liquid.

"Why would you do this to me? How could you ever buy grape?" I whined taking the tiny cup in my hand.

"Come on it can't be that bad!" Pete exclaimed taking a swig of the thick purple syrup. He made a disgusted face right after. "Or it could be that bad!" He said coughing.

"I got bubblegum too" Patrick said proudly.

"Patrick!" I squealed in disgust.

"Okay now bubblegum definitely cannot be bad, I love bubblegum" Pete said walking over to where he placed the other bottle next to the sink opening it and taking a decent sized sip out of the bottle of pink syrup. He opened his mouth letting the pink substance spill out of his mouth into the sink. "Never again!" He exclaimed sticking his mouth under the faucet. When I started laughing Patrick quickly took the cup pouring the disgusting flavored medicine into my mouth. He covered my mouth making me swallow the horrid grape flavor.

"Calm down Lucifer" I said gaging on the taste. Pete handed me a juice box. I tried to drink it quickly to rid my mouth from the horrid flavor but it was pulled from my hands getting some juice on the blanket.

"You have to drink slowly or it'll upset your stomach!" Patrick cried out placing it back in my hands. I rolled my eyes and took a small sip. Pete handed me a small cup of soup and I looked down at it with disgust.

"I'm not hungry" I stated looking up and away from the hot liquid.

"I guess you don't wanna go see Brendon then" Patrick shrugged. I groaned taking the spoon full of soup and placing it in my mouth.

"Happy?" I asked sarcastically.

"You ate one spoonful!" Pete laughed.

"She's not kidding she really wants up to be happy with that!" Patrick sighed.

"Please!" I begged

"Fine but you better eat something at the hospital or you have to eat it later" Patrick said helping me up off the bed.

"Robin were taking a pit stop at your house so you can change" Pete laughed as Patrick joined.

"How do I keep forgetting I'm wearing this!" I groan as we walked out of the room onto the elevator. Some guy in the elevator winked at me looking me up and down.

"Eyes off my daughter" Patrick said at the same time as Pete spoke.

"Hey punk eyes off my girl!" Pete said. I smacked my forehead.

"Get your lies together guys!" I said walking out of the elevator.

"Such attitude with this one" I heard Patrick said as him and Pete followed behind me outside. I let them take the lead to the car getting in the back seat and gave them directions to my house. When we rolled up I had them come in with me and wait downstairs while I changed into a pair of Brendon's red plaid pajama pants tightly tying the strings and a black tank top. I quickly ran back down the stairs and Greg stopped me.

"Where have you been and who are these guys?" Greg asked pointing at Pete and Patrick.

"Pete Wentz and Patrick Stump of Fall Out Boy and hanging out with them." I groaned.

"But seriously?" Greg asked.

"Avery I hate you!" Brad shouted from upstairs quickly coming down the stairs two at a time.

"Don't talk to me like that I'm sick and my boyfriends in the hospital in a coma" I said rubbing my hands over my face.

"Who's are they?" Pete whispered in my eat.

"This is Greg my moms boyfriend and my older brother Brad. Brad and Greg this is Pete Wentz and Patrick Stump. Can we go now?" I said to Greg.

"You're sick so you had to call up half of Fall Out Boy to take care of you?" Brad questioned.

"No they came to see Brendon in the hospital but I got sick so Dallon felt the need to act like he's my boss and told me I couldn't go until I was better so they stayed with me at Dallon's hotel and then I came here to change and they're going against Dallon to bring me to see Brendon. We all caught up now?" I asked.

"Hotel? Yeah okay no you're staying here!" Greg said.

"Yeah alright I'm leaving, later Brad!" I said.

"You can't just leave!" Greg stated.

"Watch me" I smirked and walked out the door.

"Aren't you gonna get in trouble?" Patrick asked. I shrugged.

"I've been getting in trouble since I met all of you people." I said getting back in the car.

"I can't take her serious with her sickly sounding baby voice" Pete started laughing making Patrick crack up.

"I was trying to be dramatic thanks Pete!" I said slamming the car door close making them crack up again.

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