Nicotine (Dallon's POV)

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"A-Are you breaking up with me?" I asked.

"Yeah," Brendon said. "I can't take these games anymore."

"Bren," I said.

"I hope you're happy with yourself, Ryan," Brendon said as he lowered his head and walked away, leaving me standing there... Without a boyfriend.

I looked at Ryan and walked up to him.

"I fucking hate you," I said as I grabbed his shirt and pulled him towards me.

"Love you too," he said.

"This is all your fucking fault!" I shouted. "I lost the love of my life because of you!"

"Job well done," he said as he smiled.

"What the hell is your problem?!" I screamed.

"I want you," he said.

"Well that sure as hell isn't going to happen!" I said.

Ryan just smiled at me. I wanted to punch that smile right off of his face. He is the reason this happened! Ok, I am partly to blame, but it was mostly him! I just lost the one I loved the most and there's no way I'm getting him back. I will always love him, but I-I just don't know. I let go of Ryan and walked away. I let a few tears escape my eyes, but that was all. I walked home with my music blaring in my ears again. No singing, no nothing. Once I got home, I walked up to my room and sat on the floor against my bed, and that's when every emotion known to man came out. I think I cried nonstop for about a good hour or two. After I calmed down, I dug around in my pocket and found Spencer's number. I dialed it on my phone.

"Hey Spencer!" I said. "I might take you up on starting a band...."

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