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I wake up and my butt is sore. I brush my teeth, wash my face, then clean my ears. I don't like breakfast so I didn't eat cereal. I try to wake my mom up and she said "I'm up" then she goes back to sleep so I try to wake her back up again and she's says "I'm awake" guess what she goes back to sleep 3rd try she says "leave me alone, I'm awake!" now I'm scared for the 4th try so the 4th try she turns over and accidentally hit me and said "leave me alone!"

Fine I'll leave you alone

I walk out the room, got my phone and blasted my alarm in her ear. It's not like I wanted to go to school, but she would yell at me if I miss school.

After my alarm goes off in her ear she popped up and said "why'd you do that?!"

"cause you wouldn't wake up"

"oh, what time is it?"


"oh crap you need to get to school!"

Well duh

We get in the car and I get to school. Once I get to school I go in the cafeteria where I wait for school to officially start but at least this time no cupcakes went into my face. I sit down at the table and everybody ran away again except for Emily and she asked "what's your 5th period?"

I take out my schedule and say "band class. Yours?"

"mine is to yay. So you played in band"

"no I just took classes"

"why don't you wanna be in band"

"just to close to people"

"you're gonna be four steps away"

"like I said to close"

"four marching steps and what do you play?"

"flute. You"

"oh I'm percussion"

"cool, and I'll think about band"


The Bell rang then me and Emily walked to the band hall and I saw the people I met yesterday. When I was walking there was a crack on the ground and I tripped over it and hit somebody which made her fall too

"I'm sorry, I'm a clutz"

"yeah, me too" she says

I get up and help her with her stuff that fell and she said "my name is cordynia"


She stood there staring at me like I was supposed to say more

Oh yeah

"oh yeah, my name is Destiny"

Then everybody walk into class and we got to sit down anywhere for today. I sat by everybody I knew then the director started talking "hello, I'm Mr. Underhill and I'm the assistant director and I would love to be called Dr. Underhill so you can call me that too and that's Mr. Martin over there by the computer and today we're gonna get you situated with your instruments and warm up but for right now talk to your section leaders. Section leaders raise your hands" all the section leaders raise their hands and mine is a girl and her name is Peyton.

After Mr. Underhill left, everybody started to talk to their section leaders. When we started to talk to our section leader she said everything we need to do and then after she explained stuff we asked questions but I didn't. Afterwards Mr Underhill came back and gave us warm-up sheets. After that we went over it with one note and started to change it up a bit.

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