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Piss pisss, I tried this for umptied time and now I was tired of this sleeping pig. How can he sleep like there is nothing going on?
"Dad, he's a pig. What do I do?" I called dad for suggestion through the Bluetooth. He huffed audibly. "Men these days," I chuffed to.
"How mom used to wake up dad?" I asked dad for help.
"I'm not telling you that," He stated firmly, I got perplexed. Then it clicked me that they are so lovey-dovey that their ways should be something like that too. I smirked evilly.
"I m so going to try that dad," I smiled actually grinned ear to ear. "Never in the hell," dad said and I heard some shuffling sound.
"If it's not your mom I would kill the boy barehanded," I can hear the anger in his voice.
"Chill ax dad. I'm not trying that stunt," I assured him crossing my fingers and winked as I looked at his sleepy self. He looked so peaceful and those cute fringes on his forehead was dancing with wind, that cherry plump kissable lips were tempting me, his chubby cheek were pressed in the pillow and he was looking like a baby. I was tempted by the sight of his lashes that were so perfect to be jealous. I guess, I'm whipped!
But I have to wake him up and confess and confuse him now. So I opted to try dad's idea oops mom's idea.
I walked near him and lay on the bed facing him and smiled before whispering in his ears.
"Shaksham," I whispered seductively and lightly touched my lips with his earlobe. He shivered in response. I took the advantage and ran my hand over his arm since he was wearing a vest it was quite nice to take his advantage.
"Get up, baby," I whispered seductively again but he just shakes nothing else. Without kissing I just ran my lips form his jaw towards corner of his lips but he didn't bulge. Huffing in defeat I pulled up to get off the bed but suddenly I was on the bed again with Shaksham on the top of me, it was so swift that I didn't realize how I end up beneath him.
"It"s quite pleasant to see you seducing me," he said huskily, the blood rushed to my face and I was having a hard time facing him, looking in his intense burning with desire eyes.
"I was just trying to wake you up," I stuttered, I can't believing I'm stuttering in his presence.
"I really like the way, you know," he said kissing on my neck; I was breathing heavily trying to ease my mind for the unbearable pleasure we were having.
"I came to threaten you," I moaned when he pinched my waist, I clung to him like monkey.
"You did? Why so?" he kissed along my throat and travelled south. Suddenly I remembered that I had to do something. Thank god I ended the call or else dad would be driving here with his gun.
"I like you," I blurted, more like moaned. He stopped suddenly. It gives me heart break but I need to do that.
" and my reason for coming is just confess for feeling or I m goanna torture you so much pleasurely that you would be tempted to love me," well the part from plseaurely to love was unplanned.
"What if I say no?" he asked. It was like cold bucket full water thrown at me and I wanted to go back. And I did it. I pushed him and ran towards his window.
"You're free to say no and I was just kidding. You know to tease I came here don't be too flattered," I said and wiped that tiny salty drops of water that were dripping from my eyes.

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