Chapter Thirteen

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I got to homeroom on time and slept through the first half of the day until I got to P.E. when I had to run laps. I didn’t really have friends that weren’t Cody, Tyler, Alli, or Chloe yet so when I got to P.E. I usually just got my iPod and ran the laps by myself while listening to music. 

As usual, I got to the locker room and changed in the restroom. I came out and a group of girls immediately stopped talking and started tying their shoes, doing their hair, anything to not look at me. Yup, that’s the warm welcome I’ve always wished for. The silence kind of scared me and it was so uncomfortable so I went outside to the field. I got out my iPod and clicked ‘Drake’. There were some new songs that Cody wanted me to listen to so I guess now would be a good time to hear them. I pressed play and started off jogging.

After doing four laps of continuous jogging and sprinting towards the end, I had completed the mile in good time. I went back to the locker room to get a drink of water and breathe for a little while. About ten minutes later, the girls walked in. Only three of them this time, though. The blonde, whose friends call her Easton, was obviously the leader of the other two little brunettes. 

“Kylie, look who it is! ‘My best friend in the whole wide world- ELLIE!’” Easton said mocking what Cody had said at the Teen Choice Awards. Kylie fake laughed and cut straight back to glaring at me. 

“Um... Hi. What’s up?” I asked trying to sound as sweet as possible so I wouldn’t cause any trouble.

“What’s UP is that you, little miss train wreck, do not deserve to be on the red carpet with a celebrity. I had no idea who that blonde kid was, but now that I know he’s famous, he is DEFINITELY mine. He’ll be part of our group before the end of the day. Stay out of the way.” Easton said squatting down to my level on the floor. 

Who was the bitch? No, my sweet side is gone. No one gets to tell me who to be friends with, plus Cody is my freaking boyfriend! Who the hell does she think she is? 

“Cody? Oh! You mean MY Cody Simpson. Yeah. I don’t think he’ll leave me to go sit with you guys at lunch.” I said standing up. I could see the look on Kylie’s face when she realized I was about three inches taller than all of them. 

“And why the hell not bitch?” Easton said smiling like she was amused by my response.

“Well, you see.... He’s my boy friend. Also, I’ll tell him that you’re using him for fame. What’s your problem any way? You can’t just come up to me and tell me to stay away from my friends you c*nt!” I said screaming now. I was very pissed now and when I get really ticked off, I curse like a sailor who just stubbed his toe. 

“WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME HO?” Easton screeched. I didn’t see it coming, but that’s when she slapped me. Hard. My jaw fell and I started to cry. I have no tolerance for pain. 

“Aww look, little baby is crying. Can’t even handle a slap, you can’t handle a celebrity boyfriend. Get over your self.” Easton slapped me again. 

Kylie was snickering. I started crying harder now. I staggered back and fell against the wall and slunk down to the floor again. 

“Just leave me alone...” I choked out. 

I can’t fight, I’d have no idea what I was doing. I would just have to hope they stop then get help later.

But Easton didn’t want to stop now, not when she was winning.

She and Kylie started punching the side of my head. I threw my hands over my head and screamed, crying harder than ever. No one has ever beaten me up like this before. 

“YOU FAT UGLY THING! STAY AWAY FROM CODY. I WANT HIM. GOT THAT?!” Easton screamed back. I shook my head no in response. 


Why was Easton so obsessed with this! What the hell is wrong with her?? I didn’t do anything! She started kicking me and Kylie kept punching me. I could feel bruises starting to form on my uncovered calfs. I whimpered every time she struck.

Then it all stopped. My head was still down, but I could hear someone taking her on now. No one was paying attention to me any more. I could hear hand to face and then ass to the floor.

“KYLIE GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE. AND EASTON. GO GET AN STD FROM YOUR DUMB ASS BOY FRIEND!!!” The girl screamed. The scream was followed by another slap. 

Someone was seriously kicking the shit out of Easton and Kylie. Once I heard two people run out of the locker room and the door click shut I lifted my head up slowly. 

“Ellie? Are you okay?! What the heck did they do to you?” The blonde girl said lifting me to my feet. Once I was up she hugged me to keep me on my feet. 

“I-I-I don’t know... Who are you?” I asked still crying into her shoulder. 

“I’m Alli, but you can call me Ariana. I go by my middle name. Here, I’m taking you to Cody. He’s in the work out room. You need him right now.” She said bringing me toward the other exit from the locker room.

“Ariana, I owe you one... more than one. I owe you like one million. Why did you even help me?” I asked wiping my tears. 

“Because you looked like a sweet girl and what they were doing was just AWFUL. I got your back any time you need someone. Especially in P.E. sweetie. Plus, I really hate Kylie anyways, so beating the shit out of her was just a huge plus.” Ariana said smiling at me.

My eyes were finally clear and I could see regularly. I could actually see Ariana now. She was gorgeous. Beautiful blonde hair, perfect figure, about 5’3”, a smile that could kill, and sparkling blue eyes that were always smiling. Could she be any more perfect? Her personality is already an A+.

“You’re really pretty. Like REALLY pretty.” I said looking at her glistening eyes. 

“Hahaha why thank you. Now, let’s get you to Cody, okay? I want to make sure my new best friend is actually okay.” Ariana said smiling.

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