Chapter Nine

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I was the last of our group to enter the dressing room, where Cody’s family and team were already running around getting things ready. I slammed the door shut behind me.

“Cody Robert Simpson! How about I do you a huge favor and tell your fans your favorite kind of band aids because when I’m done with you- you’re gunna need a LOT.” I said storming over to him.

“Come on Ellie, we’re at an awards show!!” Tyler said like it was still oh-so hard to believe. 

“Yeah El, I know you secretly love this. It’s exciting and you know it. If you’re lucky I’ll ‘choose’ you to be the girl I sing to on stage.” Cody said with a flirty smirk. I looked over to Chloe and Tyler. They were ecstatic and I didn’t want to ruin their night since it looked like Tyler might finally ask Chloe out.

“Yeah, it’s awesome to be here, and I’m so proud that you’re performing at THE Teen Choice Awards, but why’d it have to be a surprise?” I said hoping I sounded less pissed off.

“Because you love surprises. You told me that at Amanda Morris’s surprise party when we were eight. And I was serious about bringing you up on stage.” Cody said between sips of his before-show tea.

“You...remember that? Cody, this may be one of the sweetest moments ever! Of course I’ll go onstage with you.” I said forgivingly. Cody is so nice and he’s always been there for me, so it was time I be there for him. 

Chloe squealed and said she, Tyler, Alli, Tom, Brad, and Angie were gunna go take their seats. Cody started his vocal warm ups once they left because you could hear them starting up the show. I sat down on the couch and realized... Did I just agree to let my best friend sing me a love song in front of thousands of people and on national television???

I started really freaking out when a big backstage guy pulled me and Cody to the side of the stage. Cody got introduced and he ran on stage. He first thanked the awards show for letting him perform and then started singing On My Mind (perfectly might I add). When he finished, he looked at me and winked.

“And now I’d like to sing a special song to a very special girl. Come on out here Ellie!”...

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