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after school approached
and hyunhee waited at
the front doors for bin.

she felt electrified and happy
knowing that she was once again
spending time with him.

bin had been there for
hyunhee, especially at her worst.
therefore, she'll be there
for him as well.

after all, that's what
friends are for.

while hyunhee waited,
she kept herself occupied
by checking her sns.

a sudden encounter approached
and the sunlight that was glinting
onto hyunhee had disappeared.

she looks up in happiness,
assuming it was bin.

"hi hyunhee!"
he exclaims, planting
a huge smile across his face.

"hi eunwoo."
hyunhee replies back.

she was quite disappointed
that it wasn't bin.
but, part of her felt jitters and
butterflies erupting in her stomach.

hyunhee knew and couldn't deny.

she likes eunwoo.

she always had.

"are you waiting
for anyone?"
eunwoo asks and
hyunhee nods.

while waiting for bin, eunwoo
stayed to keep hyunhee accompanied.

she then spots bin leaving the building.

"i'll see you tomorrow eunwoo.
thank you for waiting with me."
says hyunhee.

she watches him leave before
running towards bin.

"sorry if you waited too long."
bin appologized.

"it's okay."
she reassured.

bin linked his arms onto hyunhee
and the two began to walk towards
the bus station that heads to the broadway.

approximately twenty
minutes or so, they arrive
at their destination.
in fact, there was less
people and it was just
how bin had planned.

while he went to buy tickets,
hyunhee stayed back and
explored around the cinema.

she encounters a craw
crane and an idea had
appeared in her head.

she looks around if bin was in sight.
after confirming the coast was clear,
hyunhee places a coin
inside the machine.

hyunhee aimed for the owl plush,
it reminded her of bin.

bin called out.

she jumped up in fright,
hiding the plush inside her bag.

bin chuckled at her reaction,
before linking arms once again.

during the movie, bin took
quick glances of hyunhee.
but, she was aware of his actions.

"is there something on my face?"
hyunhee questions.

bin flushed in embarrassment.

"oh, there's nothing."
he replied.

hyunhee reached in for the popcorn,
and so did bin.

their hands collide,
and electricity sent chills
down their spines.

bin held hyunhee's hand.

hyunhee was surprised at his
sudden action. though, she liked it.

it felt right.

their hands were tingly.

but not one of them
had bothered to let go.

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