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time passes so quick that we
become unaware of the fact that
our problems begin to fade and
follow us within our shadows.

eunwoo and i were committed
and well built into our relationship,
although, it felt that the passion
and fond we both shared for one
another became one sided.

he strangely behaves differently
in situations when we're together,
as if he had zoned out the whole time.
perhaps not only towards me,
but bin as well. their relationship
felt that tension was within them,
and it's clearly obvious.

whenever they were placed in
a room, neither of them could
batter to look at the either nor
have courage to talk. i sometimes
reflect if the jeju trip had anything
to do with the ingrowing tension.

i come in class the next morning
and earn the attention of everyone.
smirks were plastered onto their
faces as if i had done something bad.

"what a slut"
they commented,
whispering within each other.

they continued to make rude
and nasty remarks about me,
their gazes not leaving mine.

i felt confused.

"i can't believe her. first she takes
eunwoo and now she seduced bin?"
i overheard while my
eyes widened in shock.

i stood up in protest and hurriedly
came face to face with the class.

"yah! what are you all gossiping
about behind my back?" i shout.

each and every gaze
glanced towards me
before looking
away once again.

i sigh.

"you're such a snake"

"how dare you cheat
on eunwoo with bin?"

the teacher's footsteps began
to be heard as it came closer
and closer to the classroom,
eventually she appeared.

i turn away and head to my
seat alongside their gazes
following my every move.

i looked out at the hall
only to see the sight of
eunwoo and yerin together.
she noticed me from the
classroom and smirked while
eunwoo looked flustered.

i sigh in annoyance,
whoever is spreading
rumours is gonna be sorry.

meanwhile, i proceeded
with the dirty looks that
were thrown at me during
class, until finally, my enduring
stopped and lunch arrived.

as soon as i stepped out
i felt a hand grip on my
wrist tightly while my
body was being dragged.

i pry to get his hand away
but his grip was by far
too strong and tight.

we then stop in the mid of
the hallway where many
people began to form in
crowds around us.

"what do you
think you're doing?"
he shouts.

"are these rumours true?"
he questions once again.

i was in pain, i felt alone.
everyone's attention was
on us and i couldn't help
but feel my anxiety build up.

"eunwoo, it hurts."
i wince in pain,
his grip loosening.

i take a quick glance at his
face and look for trust, but
all i felt was anger.

"are you really questioning
me? am i really that low in
your perspective? out of everyone
i know, i thought you knew better,
but i was wrong to assume. "
i pour out to him, the tears
brimming to be let out.

he remained silent
as he stood there.

"i don't know who you are
anymore eunwoo. you believed
the rumours without my explanation."
i continued.

i remain to look at him
in anger while the tears
freely rolled down.

then i ran away and
left him with the crowd
that was still enhanced in
the situation that happened.

i let my feet guide me
to wherever, since i
couldn't even trust
myself anymore.

then, i happened to be in
the arms of the only person
whom was always there for me.

i cried.

he engulfed me in his
embrace while i cried harder.

i have never cried this much
in a very long time, but the
last time i did, it was bin
whom comforted me.

while i was in his arms,
i felt my heart pound
and it was strangely
different to what i felt
with eunwoo.

i felt unconditional emotions
with bin, unlike eunwoo.
he comforted me till i
had calmed myself.

"if there's anyone who knows
you better, that will be me and
i know that those rumours are
false. i will be here to comfort
you whenever you need me."
bin reassured, stroking my head.

while you believed the rumours
and had hurt me, he made me
happy once again.

you hurt me a lot eunwoo.

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