breaking point

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***3 days later***

Tara-rose pov

"I came back from school annoyed. Dad had promised he'd pick me up as I hadn't finnished till 5 as I was staying for dance (even though I couldn't dance at the moment I had wanted to stay as we had a dance comp in 3 months and I'd missed lots of time off with leaveing for cander so I didn't know the routine.)

"Why didn't you pick me up" I snapped opening the door and comeing in to a messy livingroom. "What?" Dad asked. "Everyday this week! You even promised pizza on Wednesday wich never matarlises!" I snapped. "Look I'm sorry. I forgot" he replyed. "Your not tho are you! You never are!" I hissed. "And where's tea. Is that for me to make as well!' I snapped. "No Ill do it" he replyed. "You say that, but it takes you an houer to get up and then it's all burnt!" I shouted as the door bell went.

"O gosh it's the social" dad suddenly saud standing up. "SO NOW YOU GET UP. WHY TO PRETEND TO CARE!" I shot. "Tara. Not now" he replyed. "DONT TELL ME TO BE QUIET. ILL SAY WHAT I WANT TO" I shouted as he walked out if the living room to let the social worker in.

Ryan pov

"Dose she do this often?" Rita asked, unfontantly we had got her as our social worker. "No. This us the first yime thankfully" I replyed. "It dosnt make it ok ! She's barricaded her self in the living room. Sheds clearly not happy here" she replyed as I sighed nocking on the door. "Tara. Please come out" I begged. "Leave me. Please!" She snapped.

***later on***

Still Ryan pov

I was sat in my support group thinking about today. How much I had messed up. I'd been close to loseing her.

Tara had gone to a mates like ever Friday so I could go my support group. I had been advised to go loads but only started going when they said it was one if the conditions of Tara staying with me.

'Hey. I go didn't realy talk much. Ryan isn't it?" Casey said comeing up to me at the end. She'd only joind today. "yer" I said putting my had out as we shook hands. "How long you been comeing then. Just the only thing you said in your introduction was your name" she asked. "A little bit" I said continuing to walk. I realy wasn't in the mood. "Look I can see your in a mood but I'm just trying to chear you up" she awnserd. "I don't need the likes if you cheering me up" I snapped slamming the car door closed.

She then walked off as i collapsed my head against the stearing wheel. And I cryed. For the first time since her death I cryed.

Shattered lives- 5th In The Life we Lead Series -the Dumping Ground Fan FlicWhere stories live. Discover now