the three box's

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Tara-rose pov

I'm again off school. I refused to come out if my room at all. It was now after school, around 5 when Mike nocked the door. "Teas just finnished. Do you fancy anything," he asked. "No" I mutterd shakely. "Can i come in. I want to talk to you?" He asked. "No" I mutterd shakekt again."your dad sent a letter. Do you want to read it?" He asked. Again I awnser no.

I was to stressed to leave my room, even talking made me anxious. After everything that had happend I couldn't cope.

I then felt some tears fall down my cheak and started shaking. I couldn't breath.

I woke up beside the door. I could tell I'd been crying. I slowly stood up looking at my self in the mirror. I was a mess, I was still in my pj and my hair looked like a demented birds nest and i had dried tears all over my cheak.

I wanted to go out my room but just the though of it made my anxiry rise. My room was messy for me so I started cleaning it. I had a load of cleaning equipment in my room, I do know who knew about it as I probably shouldn't of had it. I went about cleaning my room as I reached the 3 box . The first one was the box of letters, Chloe had written to Ryan all them years ago and was a plain dark cardboard box.the next was a plain light cardboard box, with letters from dad. Non of them open. next to my pink wooden box wich was a memory box of mum.

The plain box was full of letter from dad, non of them opened. I wanted to read them. But even seeing him was hard. If I could see him more it be easier, but if I tryed to open one of the letters, the saddened of not seeing him any more gets to overwhelming. It's all overwhelming.

The 3 boxes,the memboy box,letters off dad and letters from Chloe to dad are all in a line under my bed. I rearly look at them unless I'm adding letters. Out of sight out of mind. But the 3 boxes sumed me up. The letters from Chloe to Ryan was my past. How even before I was born, the family was never perfect. The memory box shows the present. The only good things in the presant are memborys of mum. And the last box's shows my fueater. Dads all I have, and now he only speaks to me though letters. Letters that I egnore.

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