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***1 week later***

Ryan pov

Tara hadn't been back to school since the incident. She'd hardly been out her room only to eat and she'd only had a Meal a day and refused to let me cook for her and her OCD had gotten out of controle. She spent her whole days cleaning. I knew she needed me to ring social but then she'd be taken off me. I knew how selfish it was but surely there was sonething I could do.

"Eath to Ryan" Casey said. "Wheres everyone gone?" I asked looking round. "You were deep in thought. Everyone left about 5 muinits ago" she replyed as I nodded. "Look come back to mine. Your clearly upset" she told me. "I'm fine" i hissed storming off but she grabbed my hand. "Either look me in the eye and tell me that or come back with I can look after you ofcorse." She said as I nodded.

"Do you want a drink or food or anything?" She asked as we went into hers. "No" I replyed. "Well make your self at home" she replyed as I sat down. "Do you want some tv on?" She asked. "I don't mind" I replyed as she put some on. "If you don't mind me Asking what's wrong. You seam more on edge then usual" she told me and i shook my head. "Do you want to carry on that question game?" She asked and she srugged my shoulders.

"Ok. Have you ever been sectioned?" She asked. "I have. I've been hospitalised over 20 times and sectioned 6 times" she added.

"A fue times yer" I awnserd. "Ok now it's your turn" she replyed. "Why did you care about me so much?" I asked. "Honest awnser" she asked and i nodded. "I like you" she replyed.

I was about to just keave when a plan hatched in my brain. It was stupid. And I'd never forgive my self but it was for tara. "I love you to" i awnserd as we kissed.

Shattered lives- 5th In The Life we Lead Series -the Dumping Ground Fan FlicOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant