The joys of being happy

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Rose p.o.v

A week has passed with Harry asking me to be his girlfriend. Of course i we waited a couple more days before me telling him to ask again after we have more dates, and which i had finally given in to his pleading, adorable serenade to asking me on dates every day of the week to finally asking me to be his girlfriend again. So far im loving the fact he makes me happy! I sometimes ask Harry if he's happy being with me also, and he answer he couldnt be more happy.

It was now monday and time for lunch. Everyone met up at the same table we sit at and everyone at the table was looking at me. "What?" i snapped, Harry chuckled beside me and asked "Lets hang out after school? i just found this great diner close to Starbucks me and the guys go to every morning." "Yeah, sure"

Harry P.O.V

After school me and the boys walked to a flower shop for me to pick out for me and Rosey's date today, then walked home to get dressed. I knocked on Rosey's front door to be greeted with her older brother chris.
"Hey is Rosey ready?" i questioned

"Ready for what?"

"Our date"

"Dude maybe you got the times wrong"he smirked

"No, we were going on a date after school" i smiled

"Dude Rosey has dance practice on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday's from 2:40 to 4:50" he chuckled as i stood on his porch confused and speechless

"Im guessing she didnt tell you?" he asked, i shook my head no in response

"Well you can come back later or call her or whatever, but she's not hear. Nice way to greet a lady though" Chris patted my shoulder closing the door. Before he shut the door completely i out my foot in the door after collecting what i had been told.

"Where's the dance studio?"

After being told where Rosey dance studio is i found it very strange that there A lot people coming out of the building, but one of them not being Rosey. So i got out of my car looking in every studio room window with someone in it. I then saw down the sencond hall in the back was Rosey dancing alone.

Walking into the room as quietly as i can, sitting in the corner of the room so she couldn't see me then observed the song. "Unsteady" (watch the video☝) The dance was so beautiful! I wanted to cry because of how powerful it was. I stood up clapping at the end forgetting she didnt know i was here.

"OH MY GOD!" she jumped placing her hand where her heart was located. "You scared me! What are doing in here! What are you doing Here?!" she yelled

"I went to your house with these flowers to take you on our date" placing the flowers on the chair next to me. "but it seems my date forgot to tell me she has activities" stuffing my hands in my pockets while shrugging

"Im sorry, how-why-" she shut her mouth not knowing how to answer. "Who told you?" she looked down

"Chris, why didn't you tell me?" i answered

She ignored my question asking me " why did you come? And not wait to yell at me?" i then frowned as to why she thought i'd ever yell at her.

"I came because i wanted to see you and hopefully go on the date afterwards." i stepoed in front of her putting my index finger and my thumb under her chin to bring her face to look at me. "And i have no reason to yell at you nor will i ever yell about something so stupid" i smirked at the ending she then put a small smile on her face.
I drove me and Rosey to the diner i was talking about earlier in lunch. Everything was going great until i ask her one question that seemed to frighten her and taking her deep into thought.

"Why didnt you tell me you dance?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2016 ⏰

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