Off To The Party

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Jacob had finished getting ready for the party that was tonight. He pushed his dirty blonde hair back so it wouldn't fall into his eyes.

He had finished getting ready when he heard a knock on his bedroom door. He saw his younger sister stick her head into the room.

"Your friend is here." She said.

"Thanks, Melanie." Jacob answered as he walked to the door. His sister was only 10 years old and spent most of her time either watching tv or writing poetry.

The two of them walked downstairs together to see their mom sitting in the living room watching tv.

"You got everything?" She asked. Jacob nodded as he headed towards the front door. "Jacob." She called out.

Jacob stopped and sighed as he turned around to hear her coming towards the front door. "Yes?"

She followed him to the foyer. She gave him a worrying look. "Be careful. Stay with your friends. Don't get into any trouble. And if anything happens don't be afraid to call me."

Jacob nodded as he heard the car horn honk. He looked out the window and saw a black ford pick up truck in the driveway. "I will." Jacob answered as he opened the front door. "Bye mom."

Jacob ran out the front door and went to the four door pick up truck. Diego rolled down the passengers seat window and looked at him.

"What took you so long? We still gotta get Ethan and Clover." Diego sighed as he waited for him to get in before he drove off. Jacob chuckled as he watched his mom wave to them as they drove away. 

"My mom is overprotective. It's...annoying." He confessed.

Diego laughed as he turned down the street. They went a couple blocks before they came to an apartment building. Diego parked before opening his door. "Wait here." He instructed as he jumped out. He went to the front door of the building and hit the buzzer for one of the apartments. He kept pressing it for a few seconds before he turned around and got back into the truck. 

The two waited a few moments before they saw the door open. They saw Clover come out with a purple crop top with black leggings that went up to just above her belly button and some sneakers on.

"Wow..." Jacob whispered as he watched her come down to the truck. She hopped into the back and smiled at them.

"Thanks for the ride Diego." Clover smiled.

"Mmhmm." Diego hummed. He pressed on the gas as he drove off. He leaned back in his seat as he drove down two streets until they came to a light brown house.

Diego pulled over on the side of the road and parallel parked between two cars. He honked the horn gently so it wouldn't be to loud.

After a few seconds, the front door opened where they saw Ethan come out with a younger girl by his side. She was a shade lighter than him and her hair was up in a pony tail. She was tugging on his arm as he tried to leave.

"Stay in the house. Go keep mom company. I'll be back in a couple hours." Ethan said as he forced her fingers to let go.

"I'm telling mom!" She screamed as she ran back into the house. Ethan rolled his eyes as he walked up to the truck. He got in and closed the door behind him as he let out a sigh.

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