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Monday morning was the morning that all of the Dallas Jaguars dreaded. Especially their defensive tackle, Ethan. Today was the morning that a handful of the players were going to be taking the stand and Ethan would be either paying up thousands of dollars and be able to be charged with a crime, or go home with his family with a relief off his shoulders.

In the lobby of the court house were Clover, Jose, Ricky, and Diego. The three boys were in black suits that they wore to homecoming while Clover was in a purple button up blouse, a black skirt, black flats and her hair in a bun.

They were standing there waiting for Ethan's lawyer to tell them what to do. Their parents, along with the rest of their friends and Mateo and his daughter, were in the court room already waiting for it to begin.

Ricky was running his fingers through his hair when he looked behind his friends and saw Ethan coming over to them with his lawyer by his side.

His lawyer was a Korean woman with her black hair back in a bun as she wore a black blazer with a white button up and a black skirt. She finished the look with black heels and her brief case in her left hand.

Ethan almost looked physically ill from how nervous he was in the only suit he owned. When he came to his friends, he forced a smile onto his face. "Hey, this is my lawyer Amelia."

"Amelia Lee." She spoke. "Nice to meet all of you."

They all introduced themselves and shook her hand. She could see the small group of teenagers were both nervous and worried for the outcome of today.

Amelia gave them an assuring smile. "Today will be fine. As long as you are all truthful and just answer the questions, nothing will happen. Don't get angry or lash out at them. They might ask you very personal questions to get to know your character. Okay? Judge Gomez won't let him harass you."

"Who's him?" Diego asked.

Amelia simply pointed to a group of people walking into the court room. It was Ryan's family. Riley looked miserable as he walked behind their lawyer.

"Attorney Alan Maxwell. He's known for breaking criminals down and exposing them in court. He's good. Real good." Amelia admitted. "But there's nothing for him to expose here. He's trying to cast a lie."

Jose looked over to Amelia and raised his eyebrows. "What's the worst case scenario of this?"

"He convinces the jury that Ryan wanted to die that day, that Ethan knew he was suicidal, that you all know he was bullying him, and that Ethan pushed him into bringing that gun to school than they win. Once they win the lawsuit, they can than press charges and Ethan can be arrested for involuntary manslaughter. He's goes through the trial and if he's convicted he goes to prison. That's worst case scenario."

Ethan took a deep breath. "That's good to know. Thanks Jose for asking that."

Amelia couldn't help but smirk. "That's not going to happen. None of that is going to happen. All that's going to happen is you all take the stand, Riley takes the stand, and that police officer takes the stand. You win and we go home. It's all going to be okay."

She walked in between them and lead them into the court room. Diego, Jose, Clover, and Ricky all sat with everyone else until they were going to be called.

Diego looked behind him and saw his mom along with some of her coworkers sitting in the back of the court with notepads as they were ready to write what happens and put it out in the newspapers and on their website.

She waved to her son as she caught his glance. Diego waved back before turning back around and seeing the bailiff coming into the court.

"All rise." He spoke. Everyone stood to their feet as the judge walked in and sat in his spot at the top of the court room.

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