Kept Promise

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Saturday night Julian had kept his promise to Jacob and threw a party at his house. Nearly the entire school attended and some of the other high schools in Dallas.

The entire house was full of people, the music was blaring, and everyone was either dancing or talking with friends both around the house and outside.

Jessica was spinning around in her fringe belly shirt and pink shorts and black combat boots while she danced with Stephen.

Stephen laughed as she spun right into his arms. "You're having a good time. Want to get something to drink?"

Jessica grabbed his hands as she did a goofy dance with him. "No, thank you. I just wanna hang with you?"

Stephen smiled as he let go of one of her hands and used his other hand to lead her through the crowd. They walked into the kitchen where they saw Jose sitting on the counter talking to the people who came in and out of the kitchen.

"What you doing, man?" Stephen asked.

Jose shrugged. "Bored. Ethan stayed home so I feel like I'm missing a part of me."

"Awe." Jessica cooed. "That's so sweet."

Jose just simply chuckled as he jumped down off the counter. "What are you two-"

Jose stopped talking when he saw Clover walk passed them with an annoyed look on her face and Rye following her telling her to come back.

Stephen and Jose both looked at Jessica knowing she knew the whole story.

"They're having a bit of a spat. Little arguments and she just wants him to leave her alone for the night." Jessica shrugged. "That's all."

Jose nodded as he slipped passed them and out of the kitchen. When he walked into the dining area, he saw Jacob and Manny talking while he had his arms around her waist.

Jose walked over and gave them both a nice big smile. "Hello, friends. How are you two? Having fun?"

"Lots. Get lost, Jose." Manny sighed.

Jose frowned as his eyes narrowed to her. "What? Don't want daddy to know you're all over blanco here? I mean, No voy a decir cualquier cosa por dinero." Jose shrugged with a sly smile. (Not going to say anything for money.)

Manny rolled her eyes as she nodded and replied in Spanish. "Está bien. No se lo digas a mi papá. Os pagaré." (Okay. Do not tell my dad. I will pay you.)

(A/N that second translation didn't go to well so if you speak Spanish and it's badly translated I'm sorry)

Jose held his hand out and Manny shook it. He smiled as he walked away and left the two alone.

Jacob looked at her confused but she just shook her head assuring him it was no big deal.

"Let's go dance." Manny spoke. Jacob followed her over to the many speakers where people were dancing with each other.


Andrew was sitting in the backyard of the house holding a bottle in his hand. He heard the many footsteps of people walking in and outside. After it was silent for a moment, he heard his name being called from behind him.

Andrew looked up to see Avery walking over to him. "Why're you out here?" She asked.

Andrew shrugged as he took a swing of his drink. "Don't feel up for a party. Not into it."

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