Praying to the Gods

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After school on Thursday, Stephen walked with his bookbag in his hand. He yawned as he walked up to his girlfriend's home. Jessica had a small cold and didn't go to school today or the day before.

Stephen walked up to the door and knocked. He looked in the driveway and didn't see Jessica's parents' cars. Instead he noticed a different car he hadn't seen often parked on the side of the road.

Stephen's attention was ripped away from the cars and to the front door where he saw a black haired brown eyed girl standing. She had tanned skin, but it was on the lighter side. She was wearing natural makeup and was wearing a white lace top that stopped right in the middle of her stomach and some white shorts.

Stephen stared at her for a moment and tried his hardest to look in her eyes as he could tell she wasn't wearing a bra.

The girl frowned and stared back at him. "Can I help you?" She asked. "Aren't you Jess's little boyfriend?"

Stephen nodded. "Ye-yeah. I'm Stephen. You-you must be her sister." He held his hand out, but she just walked away. Stephen walked inside the house and closed the door behind him.

"Where's Jessica? I brought her her homework." Stephen asked nicely.

Jessica's older sister stopped from walking out the room and looked back at him. She crossed her arms and smirked at him. "You're Jewish, aren't you?"

Stephen nodded. "Yeah, I am. She told you?"

"Jessica tells me everything." She spoke. "Everything. Like how she slept over at your house that one day. You're sweet to not touch her and sleep on the floor. Jessica's pretty. Like, gorgeous. Girls are jealous of her and boys want to be with her. Don't hurt her or I'll hurt you. And when I mean I'll hurt you, I'll beat you down with a baseball bat. Don't think I'm just a pretty face. I won't kill you, but I'll make sure you're praying to Adonai. Understand?"

Stephen nodded slowly. "Yes."

When she was about to walk away, they heard footsteps come towards them. They both looked to the hall and saw Jessica in a black tank top and pajama pants walk into the room. She was scratching her head and had her eyes squinted.

"Cress--" Jessica stopped in the middle of her sentence and smiled. "Babe, what're you doing here?"

Stephen smiled at her as he held his arms open. She walked into them and hugged him. "I brought you your homework and got you some snacks. I put them in the bag."

Jessica pulled away and took the black bookbag from Stephen. "This yours or an extra?"

"Extra." Stephen answered. When he looked up he saw her older sister watching them.

Jessica looked up to him and saw him looking. She turned around and looked to her sister. "Oh! You met my sister. Stephen, this is my older sister Cressida. Cressida, this is my boyfriend Stephen."

Jessica hugged Stephen's waist as she smiled to her sister. Cressida smiled back at Jessica and gave a bright smile to Stephen. "We've met. He's a real gentleman. I'll see you guys later. I have to go do some laundry."

Stephen put his hand on Jessica's shoulder as he watched Cressida walk out the room and go off into the house. Stephen took a deep breath as he realized that Jessica was the sweet and happy-go-lucky sister, while Cressida was the overprotective big sister who will kill him if he did Jessica wrong.


Meanwhile laying on his bed and reading a book he needed to finish for English class, Jacob sighed and tried to power through the boring book in his hand.

The silence in the house echoed through his ears. His mom was at work while his sister was with her friends. Jacob tried to read the book but his mind kept wandering off.

Jacob's attention was taken back into reality when he heard the doorbell ring. He got up and fixed his joggers on his hips. He had just gotten out the shower 20 minutes ago so he choice to remain shirtless and just put on some pants.

Jacob jogged down the stairs and walked over to the front door. He looked out the window next to the door and smiled. Jacob swung the door open and saw Manny standing on the other side with her hair up in a bun, a sports jersey on, and pink shorts.

"Hey, handsome." Manny giggled. She walked in and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Where's your family?"

Jacob's cheeks turned a bright red. "Gone. I-I thought you were gonna talk to your mom and dad today. Wha-what are you doing here?"

Manny shrugged with a nonchalant look on her face. "FaceTimed my mom and she said she is alright with me staying with my dad until after state. We can leave at the same time. Of course my dad's cool with it, but where are you going this time? You never told me."

Jacob sighed. He made her let go of him before he closed the door and walked back upstairs. Manny followed behind him into his room.

When she walked into his room, she saw her boyfriend laying across the bed with his hands on his chest.

"Is it that bad?" Manny asked. She walked over to the bed and sat down. She laid back and placed her hands in the same position that he had his. "Where you going?"

Jacob stared at the ceiling, sighing heavily. "Georgia."

Manny sat up and leaned on her elbow. She looked at her boyfriend and put her hand over his. "That's not that far."

Jacob looked over to her with an emotionless expression. "It's 15 hours and 35 minutes from Texas. It's 1,065 miles from here. My mom is already working on the transfer papers for my new school. Monday morning in two weeks, I'll be gone. Before you even wake up for online school, I'll be miles away."

Manny frowned. "Why you gotta say it like that?"

Jacob sighed as he wrapped his arm around her waist and brought her down to him. "I don't mean to make you upset. I just mean to say it like it is. I'm sorry."

Manny shrugged. "It is what it is."

Jacob smirked. "Come here, beautiful." He put his hand on her cheek and brought her close for a kiss. Manny giggled as she kissed him and ran her hand down his body and to his joggers.



When Cressida says the god of Judaism, I found that name so please comment if that is wrong and I will change it immediately. I don't wanna offend anyone or get any of the details incorrect.

Think you for reading and love you all

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