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Monday morning, Mateo was sitting in his office when he heard a knock on the door. He looked up to see the head coach for the Dallas Tigers standing there.

"How can I help you, Dan?" Mateo asked putting his pen down and closing his play book.

Dan walked over and sat down across from Mateo at the desk. "We need to talk about the behavior of your players. They're not being very good hosts. Your outside linebacker made my wide receiver cut his hand on the bleachers. And your violent fullback! Oh my, he needs to be locked up. He damn near killed my defensive tackle."

Mateo frowned as he interlaced his fingers together as he brought them up to his chin. "That's not the story I heard. My outside linebacker, Andrew, told me that two of your players were poking fun of him and his girlfriend. So when he defended them, your players dragged him underneath the bleachers. Than, get this, they threatened to end his life. Joke or not, Andrew was out numbered in a fully metal area. So when your wide receiver threw a punch at my outside linebacker, he moved. That's how your wide receiver got that cut. Not my player's fault."

Dan chuckled sarcastically as he leaned back in his chair. "And your overly violent fullback?"

Mateo mimicked his sarcastic laugh. "Your defensive tackle attacked my fullback unprovoked. He's obsessed with him. Ricky told me he showed up to our fundraising carnival and said to fight him there, but Ricky refused. So your player attacked my player. My 'violent' fullback was defending himself. While the rest of your team was surrounding them yelling for Drake to hit him harder and to beat his ass." Mateo shrugged while his voice remained calm. "Also, your players vandalized not only our property, but my players personal items. So, get your team together, than I'll talk to mine."

Dan looked at Mateo with a glaring look before standing to his feet and walking to the door. "If my players retaliate, it will not be my fault."

Mateo just looked at his play book. "They're teenagers. It'll all blow over soon. One day they hate each other, the next they're best friends. Plus they're mostly all boys, boys aren't the smartest."

Dan just groaned underneath his breath as he walked out the office and back to the guest locker room.


During lunch, Ryan and his twin Riley were walking around looking for a spot to sit. Riley would try to sit with some of his friends, but Ryan wasn't going to let him.

Finally, Ryan dragged Riley over to the table where the football players were eating. Riley rolled his eyes as he just sat next to Clover at the second half of the table.

Ryan sat between Ethan and Jose and smiled widely at them. Ethan groaned as he moved over away from Ryan a bit.

"What now?" Ethan sighed.

Ryan looked at him with a frown. "Nothing. We're friends. Don't friends have lunch together?"

Jose chuckled. "Yeah, when they're actually friends. We're not. You're annoying. We don't want you here. Get outta here."

Ryan looked around at the rest of the boys at their half of the table and saw them all agreeing. "Oh. I see." Ryan sighed. "I thought we could be closer than this. I guess not. We'll leave than."

Ryan picked up his tray and stood up. "Come on, Riley. We're leaving."

Riley looked up from his conversation with Clover and frowned. "What? No! I'm having a conversation."

Clover turned around and realized what had happened. She sighed and moved her bag off the seat next to her. "Come on, Ryan. Come sit with me. I'll be your friend. The boys can be mean."

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