chapter 2

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(the girl above ^^ is what arsenia looks like btw)

arsenia's pov

my alarm woke me up bright and early. you would expect it to be as if I wake up and birds were chirping with the smell of bacon entering my nose all the way from my kitchen, but it wasn't.

i rubbed my tired eyes as I stretched all the way to my bathroom. i can't believe I was spending my summer doing community service. with Benny rodriguez. ew.

you know, now that I think about it, I'M doing him a favor by even letting him breathe by me. does he know who I am?!?!?

oh wait, how could I forget, all he cares about is baseball he never gets out into the real world.

i scanned through my closet to find one of my most recreational outfits since I was going to be getting dirty. i decided on some cute trousers and a plain t-shirt with some converse. probably one of the most ugliest outfits I've ever worn but it'll do.

i sauntered downstairs to pick up whatever breakfast my mom had made for me and walked out the door.

benny's pov

she was late.

20 minutes late to be exact.

I had been standing here in front of the police station waiting for her in the heat for 20 whole minutes because she decided to get us in this community service mess.

do you know what i would be doing right now?

i would be at the sandlot with my boys, wiping my hands as a swing the bat and run to first, second, third and home plate for a home run. my boys would be clapping me on as DeNunez brushes my home run off like it was nothing. and then they would chant my name as they carry me to the dugout for a water break because we would be working hard-

"rodriguez!!!", a familiar voice exclaimed in annoyance snapping me out of my thoughts.

i rolled my eyes as the one and only, arsenia , showed up in the most glammed out recreational outfit I've ever seen. how did she still manage to TRY to look cute while doing stupid community service?

"so are we gonna get the show on the road?!", she snapped as she popped her bubble gum bubble.

"I could be asking you the same thing ARSENIA. you know it was real dumb of you to wear that out here if you're going to just get it dirty if you ask me", i smirked at my sassy remark.

"well good thing I didn't ask YOU, judging by what you're wearing", she sneered as she looked my outfit up and down.

mr. Bruce burst through the front door of the police station to the lawn outside to meet us.

sweat collected on his brow while he looked at the two of us and sighed.

"children, children didn't I ask you two not to argue or fight? now, your first community service act is picking up trash all around the city. doesn't it sound fun to keep our city clean?!?!!", mr. bruce exclaimed.

arsenia popped her bubble gum again and did that familiar eye roll, "can't we do something I don't know, less disgusting. I'm gonna chip a nail, or puke, I can't decide which one is worse", she batted her eye lashes persuasively.

community service / benny rodriguez Where stories live. Discover now