chapter 10

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this is what i would imagine monique looking like ^^^^^


"why are you so slumped?", my friend, monique, asked me as she closed my bedroom door and sat on the edge of my bed.

i sighed,"did my mother let you in? ", i asked and she nodded and gave me a sympathetic smile.

"you know who benny is?", i questioned as i lifted my head up.

monique rolled her eyes,"of course i know the benny rodriguez. mmm he's fine, girl."

"yeah...", i trailed off quietly.

"didn't you guys have a thing or something?", monique asked tilting her head to the side.

i sighed,"yeah kind of, i mean i was his first kiss but-", i stopped myself and shrugged.

even though she was one of my closer friends, i still didn't want to talk about benny, he had a girlfriend anyway so what was the point. and monique was probably the most beautiful person i've ever met.

she had rich mahogany skin and tight curls that rested right above her shoulder and really beautiful puppy dog brown eyes. if she liked benny then i was completely out of the race, i could never compete with monique, ever.

"oooh girl i didn't know you two kissed! i wish you would've told me so i could stop hitting on him all the time in chemistry", she laughed and i let out a small laugh too.

"you're prettier than his girlfriend anyway", she went on,"that girl can't even do her hair like you can, she got dead ends. have you seen them? i sit next to her in algebra. she smells bad too", monique laughed again and i rolled my eyes playfully.

"okay, okay. i think that's enough trash talk for today. but thanks for trying to help. love ya girly", i sighed and leaned back on my pillow.

"i have an idea!!", she exclaimed and i let out an annoyed groan.

she sometimes went a little overboard with all her ideas. but regardless, i still listened.

"okay so how about you get a boyfriend too to like, get back at him. i mean if he can get a girlfriend and move on, then you can too.", she explained and i nodded my head.

she did have a good point there. if benny can move on then why can't i? there's no one stopping me anyway. he was in love as it seemed and i was still alone.

i really needed to get back on my game. i've been so focused on benny i forgot about all the other guys who want me.

now that i'm not focused on him, i could have a little fun.

"okay monique, i'm in", i agreed and she squealed and leaned over to give me and big hug.

"so you know phillips?", she questioned and i rolled my eyes. he was the guy i met at the beach who tried to come onto me. he was kinda cute i guess, but he wasn't benny.

"hell no, hell no", i defended myself. if i was going to date someone it wasn't going to be phillips out of all people.

monique flipped her hair,"well i heard that him and benny pretty much hate each other so if we're going to do this, it has to be him. i don't see the point of it being anyone else but him."
she did make yet again another valid point there.

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