chapter 6

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incase y'all forgot what she looks like lmao^^^

arsenia's pov

benny made me try all his favorite things to eat on the boardwalk, and I liked most of them. especially the funnel cake, that was delicious.

we had been walking around for an hour when we finally got to the rides by the ocean.

"why don't we go on that one!", benny exclaimed pointing an extremely high roller coaster.

i felt my stomach getting queasy just looking at it. i shook my head really fast. "uh benny, you can go on it , I'll just stay here", i mumbled, embarrassed about my fear of heights.

he laughed, "what are you? scared of heights?", he said jokingly as he playfully pushed me.

i crossed my arms around my chest and rolled my eyes, but eventually cracked a smile because I couldn't stay mad at him, he looked adorable, well today at least.

"i am NOT!!", I exclaimed and he gave me a look. "okay maybeeee I am", I sighed and tried to look angry but I ended up just smiling at him again.

"okay then", benny said clasping his hands,"if you go on this roller coaster with me then, you can take me shopping with you and get to pick out whatever. does that sound like a deal?", he asked.

i smirked,"is benny rodriguez bribing me?".

he mimicked my smirk, "maybe. but what do you say".

"well I don't want you to get me anything, I would feel bad so how 'bout I just go on this roller coaster with you". and with that, he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder and ran over to the roller coaster.

"put me down!", I laughed as we got to the front of the line, behind 3 kids.

or at least what I thought.

"hey what are you doing here, benny?", a kid questioned in front of us and then I realized it was one of his friends, ham.

"and what is she doing here with you?", another boy,Bertram, questioned.

benny's smiled faded as he dropped his arm which was wrapped around my shoulder.

i looked awkwardly down at the floor.

"aren't you guys supposed to be doing community service together right now", the last friend, yeah-yeah, questioned, giving me a dirty look.

"well she is right here and she has a name. now shut your mouth, bertam, and all of you. why are you all of a sudden interested in my personal life", benny growled at his friends, "arsenia why don't you wait over there I'll be over there in a minute", he commanded as he pointed over to a bench that was kinda far away.

i nodded, walking away but hearing Benny's voice raise in the distance.

i always felt really uncomfortable around his friends because I knew they didn't like me. but what made me feel more uncomfortable was the fact that they had a valid reason not to like me. i had been rude to them since the day I first step foot in to Huntington Beach.

whether i'd ever admit this out loud or not, benny had somewhat changed me, in a good way. i was feeling feelings i'd never felt before, and I wasn't sure if I like it.

i decided that this argument might take a while so I walked down to the beach and put my toes in the water. it felt nice as a cool breeze rushed through my hair, blowing it in all sorts of directions.

"hey, you", I heard a voice behind me and I turned around.

it was a boy named phillips holding my cardigan that I guess I had left on the bench or something.

community service / benny rodriguez Where stories live. Discover now