chapter 15

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arsenia's pov

one year later

i pushed one last bobby pin into my ear and smiled as i looked at myself in the mirror.

"arsenia!!!", my mother called from downstairs,"you're going to miss check in at your college!".

i grabbed the last box from my room and sighed deeply as i stood at the frame at my door, taking in all the memories i was about to leave behind.

i grew up a lot since i've been here from Italy. America was a land full of opportunity and i was so blessed with everyone that i've met over the past years.

my mother called my name once more so i took myself and the last box with me downstairs and packed it into my truck.

my mom pulled me into a hug and wiped her tears on my shirt, "perderò la mia bambina". (i'm going to miss my baby girl).

i sighed and wiped my tears from my own eyes and then my mother's. my mother was my world and i loved her with all my heart. i don't know what she would do without me there. but she worked her ass off for me to go to
college and get an education and i wasn't going to take that for granted.

i went back inside to get some snacks for my road trip up to my college when my mom came inside the house.

"i think- c'è qualcuno qui per vederti", she said in an awkward tone. (there's someone here to see you).

i gave her a weird look and walked out to my front porch.

i was startled to see who i saw on my porch.

"hey arsenia..", he said while pulling flowers out from behind his back.

"hi benny..", i said while pushing a hair behind my ear.

"are you going to take these?", he asked awkwardly while pushing the flowers in my direction.

i took the flowers from him and set them down on my porch.

"uh..why are you here?", i asked him while crossing my arms.

he smiled lightly and scratched the back of his neck.

"i heard you were leaving for college and i wanted to stop by and see you before you left, and i know what you're thinking. i know it's weird that i haven't talked to you in a year but..", he sighed.

"but what?", i asked quietly.

"arsenia i haven't stopped thinking about you i just wanted you to know that", he said and looked up at me.

"stop, benny. you're a little too late for that.", i said and started walking back into my house.

he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to him, it felt just like old times. i would just fall back into his arms over and over again. it's not something i want to do, or have ever wanted to do.

but there again i fell, maybe just for him, maybe just for me, maybe for the both of us.

"what are we gonna do about us?", he asked while brushing a piece of my hair behind my ears.

i shrugged and pulled away from him.

"benny, you can't do this...not now", i sighed and looked away from him.

i wanted so desperately to hold him again, to touch him again, to kiss him again. but all my dreams crumbled to the back of my mind when i heard my car horn honk.

"arsenia, it's was..nice to see you. i hope you find everything you're looking for in life. and i mean it, over everything i hope you're happy. i will put your happiness over mine, i always have. you're my girl. you may not think so but i know you are. you're the only girl i'll ever love, i don't know how i'll feel the same about anyone else....ever", he said and looked at me with these eyes that i can't describe, but i'll never forget that look.

i softly smiled and left him on my porch as i walked over to my car.

i turned on the ignition, took one look back and drove away.

53 years later

"and that was my first heart break", i said while cradling my granddaughter in my arms as her tears trickled down her face onto my sleeves.

she looked up at me and smiled, "so you traded  the famous baseball player "benny the jet" in for grandpa?", she asked.

i laughed,"no dear i didn't trade him in, we both loved each other enough to know it was time to let go", i smiled.

"do you still love him, nonna?", my lovely granddaughter innocently asked.

"yes dear, i still love him. you never get over your first love, but don't tell your nonno!", i winked.

"how will i ever get over jake then?!", she asked me in a panicked voice.

"you won't, baby girl, but maybe one day you can turn your car around and drive back.."

THE END!!!!!

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