chapter 4

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benny's pov

after a long day of working with arsenia and her crabby attitude at miss val's daycare, our shift was over for today.

i could tell she was fed up with me but my mom told me that girls have all kinds of mood swings so I wasn't too worried when she called me, in quote, "stupid little cunt".

we stood outside as she tied her hair up and looked over at me.

"why do you have to be so uptight all the time", I questioned, looking at her straight in her eyes.

even though she was only 5'0 she still somehow made me feel small whenever she looked at me, "benny stop acting like you know me when you really don't", she snapped at me crossing her arms.

i sighed and took my baseball cap off,"I'm not acting like i "know you" arsenia. but maybe I want to get to know you", i stuffed my hands in my pockets.

"why do you care?!", she cried out walking about to stomp away but I grabbed her by her shoulder and turned her around.

"hey. breathe. ok?", I realized I was holding her by both of her shoulders so I let go of them quickly. " I don't know what's bothering you, in fact I don't know anything about you. but maybe I want to", i tried to get her to look at me but she was just looking at her shoes.

i heard a sniffle and she wiped her eyes, "ok Rodriguez, how about tomorrow we skip this community service act and I go to your sandlot with you?", she smiled and wiped another tear.

i laughed a little, "alright meet me there at 9 o'clock, all the boys will be there, and maybe I can show you my skills", I said while imitating me pitching a baseball.

she looked at me for a second and started to walk off.

"see you tomorrow rodriguez".

i waved and walked all the way to my house.


"what's got you so happy", my mother asked me as I walked into the door.

i shrugged. I didn't particularly know why I was happy, I just couldn't stop smiling.

"I'm gonna go to bed early ma", I called from halfway upstairs as I made my way to my room. I needed my sleep because tomorrow was going to be very interesting.

the next day/ arsenia's pov

I woke up and looked at my clock next to my bed, it was 8:50 and I had to be there at 9 and manage to sneak past mr. bruce's office.

i got dressed quickly in some overalls, that did have flower decal because I wasn't going to look like a complete mess.

i grabbed a piece of toast that was left in the toaster by my mom, and ran outside.

i did get a little lost with the directions benny gave me on how to get to the sand lot, but I did eventually make it there, a little late but that's how I like to be.

i walked in the sand lot, slowly. i didn't want any of his friends to notice me, I was just here to watch.

i spotted benny, he was running the bases and he looked like he was having a really good time. all his friends were cheering him on as he made a home run, well I think that's what it's called.

when benny made it back to home, he noticed me out of the corner of his eye and ran over to me. all his friends turned their gaze over to me and I soon felt out of place.

benny smiled at me and wiped his sweat off his forehead with the corner of his shirt, "I'm glad you could come", and I knew he meant it when he said that , I just felt so uncomfortable.

community service / benny rodriguez Where stories live. Discover now