chapter 13

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now i'd be lying if i said the situation i was in was normal, because it wasn't.

i stood at benny's doorstep staring at him and he was staring back at me.

my friends were silently glaring at him and his friend was smirking at me.

it was at the least, very uncomfortable.

"uh sorry for showing up all unexpected benny i just-", i mumbled as i trailed off and my friends behind me tried to stifle their laughs.

benny let out a small smile,"well come in i don't want you guys to catch a cold standing outside in this weather", he said as we walked in to his warm comforting household.

DeNunez took monique's jacket off for her and she tried to hide her girly smile but everyone in benny's living room could feel their chemistry.

"uh do you guys want anything to drink? hot chocolate? coffee?", benny offered and me, sayria and monique exchanged looks but all politely nodded our heads no. i was thirsty as hell, but not for the hot chocolate.

"you know it's funny, me and benny were just headed over to y-", deNunez started but benny cut him off quickly by clearing his throat.

"we were uh- headed to bertram's house", benny said nervously as he looked around.

"oh i'm sorry if we interrupted your plans", i said shyly as i started to get up and gather my things but benny stopped me.

"no no it's fine!!", benny said a little too fast,"i mean me and deNunez were just going to beat feet anyway", he said nonchalantly.

"so we all know why we're here", sayria blurted out and everyone exchanged glances with everyone awkwardly.

benny looked confused,"wha-what do you mean", he stuttered.

i blushed and gave sayria a look and she shrugged. sometimes my friends were too pushy.

"hey D, do you wanna come show me the kitchen?", monique asked deNunez as she grabbed his hand and took him into the kitchen as sayria followed them, leaving me and benny alone.

i laughed nervously as i sat on the couch farthest from benny.

"hey uh, arsenia can i talk to you", benny said, clearing the silence.

i nodded slowly, not sure of what he wanted to talk about, i mean he had a girlfriend so i don't know why i could be concerning him.

"well", he started off,
"i know i shouldn't be saying this, but I'm in love with you and your voice, the thought of us. i want you to be mine and i want you to feel the same but i can sense you forgetting me and that's why i think i shouldn't feel this way. but, it's you. it's been you for the past year. since the moment we started talking. it's you at 2 am it's you at 6 pm. it's you when i eat, it's you when i sleep, it's you when i'm studying. you are everything to me. moral of the story, i'm crazy about you no matter how much i try to hide it. i'm sorry if this isn't what you wanted to hear but i needed you to know, at least once.", he stated.

i sat there shocked probably for about a good minute.

"what about your girlfriend benny- i, i don't know why you're saying this to me now it just doesn't feel right", i finally said, but i could barely get the words out.

"so, you don't feel the same?", he asked, and i could hear it in his voice that he really meant it.

"no i-", i started but i looked to the side and saw our friends staring back at us,"i think we should go somewhere else", i laughed as i pointed at them and benny laughed too.

"we could go sit in my car", he suggested and i nodded as he led me out to his garage and then into his car.

he turned the heater on and then leaned his chair back slightly to get a better look of me i guess. "so what were you saying arsenia?".

i sighed as i looked over at him while i played with my hands nervously in my lap,"well benny, i was just saying that we-i just can't do this. i've always felt so confident in myself but when im with you, i feel like i'm losing. you make me feel like we're 10 steps forward, when we're not even going anywhere. what i'm trying to say is that, we're just not meant for each other", i said quietly as i wiped a tear out of my eye before it fell onto my cheek.

"so that's it?", he asked, his voice quivering.

i nodded ever so softly and he nodded too.

i reached for the car door handle but he grabbed my hand to stop me.

"what benny?!?", i exclaimed,"what do you want me to do? fall back into your arms again?  you have a girlfriend and i don't want to be the one to blame for your mistakes", i finished bitterly.

"what i said was not a mistake, arsenia. i love you. i could care less about adrianne or any other girl, i just tried to use them to forget you but..ahah look where that got me", he laughed gently at himself and then looked up at me.

for some reason i just started crying, but i quickly wiped my tears. "no benny, i put it all out on the line for you, i'm not doing it again. i'm not doing that to adrianne, as much as i don't like her, i just can't".

"i'm not happy with her arsenia, you make me happy why can't you just understand that?", he asked me frustratedly.

"because benny, i'm scared...", i finally admitted. "i'm scared that once i have you, you're going to slip away, just like my father did".

"arsenia..", he started,"im so sorry i didn't- i didn't know".

"no it's okay, i should probably leave", i finally said but he reached for my arm.

he pulled me towards him and placed his lips on mine, and i once again felt at home.

benny pulled away and rested his forehead on mine,"arsenia are my everything".

my breath hitched as i pulled him closer and kissed him once again in the front seat of his chrysler.


i stared at arsenia for a good 2 minutes. i was just so mesmerized by her beauty. and not just her outward appearance, but also her inward beauty.

her soul matched those beautiful sea green eyes that were placed so perfectly onto her face.

i was even a little obsessed with her, every time i saw her i always thought, that's the woman i want to marry.

"what?", arsenia finally says breaking the silence.

i shrug and don't respond but what i really what to say is that she is the most stunning thing i've ever laid my eyes on and i can't help but stare at her.

"benny?", a familiar voice broke me out of my thoughts.

"oh no...", i said as arsenia saw who was coming towards my car.



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