chapter 11

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i walked into the lunch room and quietly sat down next to adrianne, not wanting to upset her even more.

"look adrianne i'm sorry for earli-", i tried to say but she cut me off.

"just forget it, benny. i already cancelled dinner with my parents. of course, my mother cried but you know, it's fine. we-we didn't want you over anyway", and just like that, she started to cry.

i sighed heavily an looked at my friends bertram and yeah-yeah for help but they just turned away and laughed.

so much for being my "best friends".

"adrianne, i already apologized. what else do you want me to do? maybe i get tired of spending time with you every waking hour. i mean, i take you to school, i walk you to every class, i take you home and spend 4 hours after school every day with you. sometimes i need a break...i don't know", i sighed again scratching the back of my neck.

she looked up at me and wiped her tear stained cheeks.

without a word adrianne got up and stormed out of the cafeteria.

all my friends gave me a weird look but i only shrugged and put my head in my hands.

hell, i'd rather be alone than to deal with her. i didn't even have any feelings for her, it was only for arsenia. in hopes that maybe she would be jealous but that was stupid.

"hey benny look isn't that arsenia?", smalls asked and i looked up to where he was pointing.

"and isn't she with phillips?", timmy also asked and i looked who was right next to her.

they were laughing and she kept looking at him the way she used to look at me.

i felt my fists ball up and my ears got red, that only happened when i was extremely angry. livid. irritated. whatever you want to call it that's what i was.

"i thought you and her were together", tommy stated and i rolled my eyes.

"i never said that we were together, i said i wanted to be with her. damn don't you ever listen?", i said roughly.

"benny,man", DeNunez said calmly and he wrapped his arm slugly over my shoulder,"you gotta get over her. she doesn't want you and you know that. i get that she was your first love or whatever but, you gotta let go", he basically pleaded with me.

"yeah you know what you're right ma-", again, i cut off.

"sorry benny, we'll talk later. monique was just looking over here and i'm tryna talk to her if you know what i mean", and with that, he went over to where arsenia and her friend monique were sitting.


"yeah so benny was basically fuming when you two were talking it was so funny!", monique exclaimed.

"what was funny?", a voice behind us asked.

monique and i both whipped around to see, benny's best friend, DeNunez, basically hovering over us.

"damn nosey, can't you mind your own business", monique sassed as she rolled her eyes at him.

he sat in the empty seat next to her and starting flirting up a storm with her.

he's basically been in love with her since the first day of high school 3 years ago. but monique has always been too focused on sean mitchell that she couldn't be bothered with him.

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