chapter 3

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no pov
"what do you mean there isn't an alternative?", arsenia bianchi yelled as she smacked her hand down on mr. bruce's desk the next morning.

benny rodriguez sat in the seat across from mr. Bruce's desk as he sunk lower and lower into the chair rolling his eyes at the girls behavior.

mr. bruce put his head in his hands and took a deep, frustrated breath before looking back up at arsenia.

"miss bianchi, I've already told you I want you working with Benny so you two can get along", mr. Bruce said.

"oh yeah? well I've already tried getting along with him but I'm not the problem here", arsenia said raising her voice.

benny sat there quietly in his seat considering his options. he could either a. run out of that office as fast as he could or, b. try to work with arsenia at be nice to her.

benny got up and tried to bolt out but mr. Bruce stood at the entrance of his office door. "not so fast mr. rodriguez, we're not done here".

benny rolled his eyes and slumped back into his seat. "mr. bruce don't listen to anything she's saying, I think the cleaning supplies are finally getting to her head", benny says and smirks, proud of his remark.

arsenia was filing her nails and half paying attention when mr. bruce snapped in her face,"I'm afraid there's no loop hole, so you're either going to stick it out or I can call your mothers and tell them what really happened".

benny sighed and stood up, "alright, you have a deal sir. what do we have to do today?".

mr. bruce scratched his balding head, "well how about you two go down to the day care and help miss valerie and all her students today?", he questioned.

arsenia made a disgusted face, "I hate children, and messes, sorry mr. bruce but I don't think I can do this", she shrugged and went back to filing her nails.

"c'mon arsenia, I'll be there with you", Benny offered.

she rolled her eyes and stood up, "yeah like that makes me feel any better about this but alright alright, I'll do it".

mr. bruce wiped his forehead in relief and murmured, "these damn kids".

arsenia's pov

me and benny stood in front of "miss valeries rainbow daycare", and I took a deep breath before looking at him.

his face softened up, "hey it's gonna be ok, don't worry I'm gonna be here with you".

i pushed him out of my way and opened up the doors to the daycare.

I could hear benny behind me, calling me a few words that I was too lazy to slap him for. besides, I didn't want 2 extra weeks with him so I was trying to be the nicest I could to him. the key word is trying.

"hello my cuties!!", miss valerie exclaimed as she squeezed me and Benny's cheeks, "thank you so much for volunteering your time to come help me and these Angels, we're all very excited to have you here today!!".

she was radiating way too much happy energy it was starting to annoy me but I just wanted to get this over with, 27 more days with benny, I could do that.

she showed us the ropes around the daycare and how to change a diaper and where the snacks were stored and etc that I didn't care about, benny on the other hand seemed really excited.

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