Chapter 1

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Drink after drink..

I kept drinking..

Thinking about all the fucked up shit in my life..
I don't have anyone but my best friend Amari.. That's it.. I have no family..

No one loves me..

My family disowned me when I became pregnant at 15..

It wasn't my fault.. I had gotten raped so many times by my "mom's" husband...

I always think about my family and hope that they want me back in their lives...
Sometimes I really miss them.

Especially my momma...

Putting my hand under my bed.. I grabbed my razor.. I began to cut..

I don't wanna be here all I do is fuck up.. I'm worthless..

I began to think about all the names my family called me and all the bad shit "friends" said behind my back...

I carved them into my skin.

"You'll never be anything Jaila!"I remember my mother yelling at me..

"All your good for is laying on your back"My mom said..

I continued to cut and cut..

I felt blood from my arm fall onto my leg..

I didn't have enough room on my arms so I started cutting my legs..

After awhile I began to black out.

"Is she okay?"I heard a familiar voice ask..

Where the fuck am I?

"Yes she's fine.. You made it just before she lost too much blood.. She should be up any minute."Someone answered..

I opened my closed eyes..

Looking around at the room I was in..

I heard Loud monitors beeping..

"Jaila!"I looked to my right to see Amari, my BestFriend.

"What? Where am I? And why is it so loud in here?"I asked..

"You're in the hospital because you tried killing yourself.. Jaila why?"Amari wiped her tears just for more to spill out..

"Amari.. You know why.. I don't have no one.. Everyone hates me.. I'm worhtless.. So why be here?"

"That's not true! You have me,August, and Amara.. We all love you and care for you.. Do you know how heartbroken I would be without you? Do you know how heartbroken Amara would be without her Auntie Jai?! Very.. Please stop.. I love you too much to lose you."Amari spoke..

"I try.. But I can only take so much.. I'm sorry."

"Please try harder.. Please I don't want to have to bury you 6 feet under.."

"Okay I'll try harder.."I answered..

"That's all I'm asking. If you need to talk.. You know I'm always here."

"I know.. Now when can I get out?"I asked.

"I don't know yet... We have to wait for the doctor to come back.."

"Okay."I mumbled..

"Oh.. August said that he was going to whoop you when he got here."I laughed..

"Suuuree.. Is he bringing my baby?"I asked referring to my niece,Amara..

"Of course."

Before I could speak the doctor walked in..

"Hello Ms.Tyson.. Im doctor Taylor."

"Hello"I responded..

"What was wrong with her? "Amari asked. .

"Well we had to flush her stomach a couple of times due to her drinking a lot.. She has a few cuts on her arms and legs.. Im assuming from cutting?"

I nodded.

"The cutting caused her to lose some blood.. But she's okay now.."

"When can I leave?"

"You can leave tomorrow morning.. We have to watch you over night"Dr.Taylor answered.

I smacked my lips..

"Anymore questions?"

We shook our heads no..

"Okay.."Dr.Taylor left.. Then someone else walked in..

"Auntie Jai!!"Amara,August and Amari'a 2 year old daughter, ran to my bed..

"Hi baby.."Amari helped her onto my bed..

"You think your grown huh?"August walked in..

I looked away..

"Don't look away na watch when you get out the hospital.. I'm whoopin' yo ass"August told me.. I waved him off..

"Oo daddy say bad word.."

"I'm sorry babyeh.. I'a put money in the swea' jar at home.."

"K.. Auntie Jai?"


"What dis?"She pointed at a tube in my arm..

"A tube.."

"Oh... It hurt?"

"A little.."I answered..

She kissed my arm..

"Dere.. All better.."

"Thank you.."

"Welcome.. I luh youu."Amara kissed my cheek..

"I love you more mamas.."I kissed her cheeks..

I guess I do have people who love me..

Something different..

Hope you guys like it..

Story written for:





Thank you😘💖

(Sorry for any mistakes)

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