Chapter 2

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~A week later~


Amari made me stay at her house so that she could "watch" me and make sure I don't do anything too crazy..

I'm not a kid.. I know what I should and shouldn't..

Sometimes I try and stop..

But it's like it's tempting.

My skin craves the touch of the razor.

My body craves the drinks.

It's like my body can not function without drinking or cutting..

I know it's not good but I can't help it..

I try not to think myself into depression..

But how can I not?

My life is so fucked up. Honestly no one cares.

I remember my mom letting that man rape me over and over and over again..

She just sat and watched..

I screamed and begged her to make him stop.. All she did was laugh.

I thought parents were supposed to protect their children.. Not hurt them..

I feel like my mom should've just aborted me..

I mean she said it herself.

"I should've aborted your dumb ass"I remember her telling me.

I grabbed my razor cutting my arm..

My brother should be here.. He's the only one that kept me sane.

I just continued to cut..

"Jaila!!"Amari bust in the room.

I should've locked the door..

Amari shook her head,helping me up.. She ran my arm under the sink cleaning my cuts.

"I thought you were done with this shit"Amari looked at me..

"I- uh.. Sorry.."I mumbled..

I didn't really know what to say..

"Do you wanna go to rehab or something? I feel like you can stop cutting yourself and drinking.. Or stop thinking yourself into depression.."

"I tried.. It was tempting.. I can't really stop.."I mumbled..

"Do you wanna see someone?"Amari asked..

"No.. I can stop.. I just gave in to temptation.. I promise I won't do it again."

"Okay.. But if you do you're talking to someone.."Amari mumbled..

"Okay.. Now where is Amara?"

"She's taking a nap.. Do you wanna help me with dinner?"

"Uh.. Yeah let's go"I might as well do something that'll keep my mind off of anything else.

"What are we cooking?"I asked once we got into the kitchen..

"August wants fried chicken.. So that, smothered potatoes,and some greens.."

"That's about to be goood"

"Yeah.. But we gotta talk you start on the potatoes I'll do the chicken.."

"Okay.. What we need to talk about?"I asked..

I hope she doesn't bring up me being single..

Im never gonna get in a relationship..

Niggas don't want girls that are broken like me..

So no relationship for me.. Plus I need to work on myself before I get in a relationship..

"August.. He keeps telling me how he wants to have another baby.. Like nigga first of all Amara just barely turned two.. And plus I don't wanna have another kid until we're really stable and possibly married.."

"Yeah you guys should wait.."I nodded my head..

"That's what I said But August is hard headed.. He's gonna try and persuade me with his accent.. "Come on na babyeh.. Just give meh anotha babyeh"We both spoke laughing after..

He said that, and that was how Amara was created it.

She loved his accent a lot..

"Okay we're done!"

"Yes now we can eat"I grinned at the food.

"No. Not until August gets here.."

"Man!"I smacked my lips.. I really was hungry and wanted to eat..

Don't nobody got time to be waiting for that nigga.

"Babyeh!!"August walked into the kitchen with someone behind him..

"Right on time.. Im hungry"I mumbled..

"Yeah yeah.. Shut up whea my daughta at?"August asked.

"Sleep.. Go wake her up please"

"Okay.. Oh this my best friend Chris, Chris this is Jaila.. Jaila this Chris.."

"Hi.."I really just wanted to eat and go to sleep..

"Wassup.."He nodded..

"Okay let's eat!"August yelled walking downstairs with Amara..

My family.. For now?

Sorry for short chapter..

But I'm tired..

So yeah..




(Sorry for mistakes)

(P.S. I also changed Amari's character.. It's in the chapter named 'Characters')

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