Chapter 21

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(Two Months later)


After the incident Jaila and Chris have grown closer to each other, they went to the doctor to find out that Jaila was not pregnant which they were both happy about.

They have now moved in with each other, Jaila was a little hesitant because she felt they were moving a little too fast but then came to realize it would actually be smarter to move in.

Jaila laughed as Chris chased Royalty around the mall. Chris was trying to get her to try on some shoes but she refused and ran out the store.

"Royalty! Ima whoop yo little ass when I get you."Chris yelled. Royalty ran into Jaila's arms and of course Jaila picked her up shielding her.

"Chris stop! Leave her alone."Jaila pushed his hand away as he tried hitting Roro on her bottom.

"No that lil girl is bad. I was just tryna buy her some shoes."Chris shook his head.

As they were walking around the mall they got hungry and stooped at the food court to eat.

After Chris order there food, they were now sitting down eating.

"Babe,do you know that girl? She keeps staring like she knows you. I'm finna go over there and beat her ass."Jaila mumbled as she watched as the girl started at them.

"Beat ass."Roro mimicked giggling.

"No do not say that"Chris shook his head and turned to see who the girl was.

He looked at her for a minute trying to figure out who it was. He knew he seen her before, he just had to put his finger on it.

"I seen her before, but I don't know who it is."Chris spoke sipping his lemonade.

"Hmm. Probably an old ho. But let's go before I whoop her ass."Jaila mumbled.

Standing up, the couple threw there trash away and made there way out of the mall. Jaila still had a weird feeling. She felt as if someone was following them. Shrugging off the feeling, she got in the car and waited for Chris to get in.

Once Chris got in, he pulled off driving to there house.



I smirked watching them. They were a cute little family, but it's not going to be like that for long. I have too many receipts on Chris, she isn't going to want him for long. He'll be crawling back to me. But first I have to get rid of the little girl.

I called up my people and told them about my plan.

Time to get my man back. I smirked putting my phone away.



"Mommy! Daddy hurt me."Roro whined running up to me as I cooked dinner. It was now 7 at night. We were having a little "family dinner"Which meant Amari and August were going to be over soon.

His parents would have came but they had went out of town for a while.

"What he do?"I picked her up fixing her on my hip.

"I didn't do nothing to her she just mad because I told her she couldn't watch her show."Chris came into the kitchen.

"Stop being mean to baby, or we could fight."I said putting the Marconi in the oven.

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