Chapter 8

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*2 weeks*

Two weeks and Jaila still hasn't woken up..

I've been trying to stay strong.. But everytime I go to see her,I break down.

The doctors don't think she's going to make it.. But I believe that she's going to make it.

I hope she makes it..

I of course told Chris, he's been at the hospital with her every chance he gets..

He's been low-key depressed.. He doesn't admit it.. But I can tell..

Chris is always smiling and goofing around,but it's like ever since Jaila has been in the hospital, he doesn't do any of that.. He only smiles when Roro is with him,other than he's not smiling..

I'm stressed out also.. Because I may be pregnant.. I don't know yet..

"Babyeh whatchu' in hea' doin?"August asked me..

"Nothing.. Just thinking."I mumbled biting my lip.

"About what?"He asked..

"Uh.. Nothing you need to worry about"I smiled slightly

"You okay?"

"Yes baby I' fine"I told him..

"You sho?"He asked.. It feels like he knows that I'm lying..

"Yes baby I'm positive"I nodded..

"Okaayyy.. I'ma go pick Mara up from ya moms house"He leaned down pecking my lips twice..

"Okay.. I love you"

"I love you too!"He yelled walking out the room..

I just hope I'm not pregnant..

Don't get me wrong, I love August and I would love another baby.. Just not now..

We aren't ready.. And we're not stable enough in my opinion..

I would rather wait until Amara is 3 and we're married..

Hopefully,I'm not pregnant...


Sad isn't even the word to describe how I feel right now..

I think I'm slipping into depression...

Even though Jaila & I barely started "dating" I still got attached to her and I miss her. I wish she would just wake up already..

I want to help her, I don't want her to be depressed anymore..

All I do is come to the hospital to see if she has woken up yet, but she hasn't.

"Daddy"Roro whined, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"What's wrong baby?"I asked picking her up..

"I seep?"She asked.. With her thumb in her mouth and her blanket and bear in her other hand..

"Yeah.."I nodded rocking her to sleep..

I sang to her,of course. I always sing to my baby so she can go to sleep..

Royalty is my pride and joy.. I swear, if it wasn't for her I don't think I'd be how I am today.. I'd probably still be that kid, out partying like it's nothing. Fucking over girls and breaking their hearts, but now that I have my Royalty I changed.. Especially because I would not want niggas to treat Roro how I treated girls...

Once I knew Roro was asleep I laid her down in the bed. I kissed her forehead, whispering "I love you"to her, than walking into my living room..

People may think I have my life together. I mean I do, but no one knows about my past that I regret deeply.

Sometimes I wish I had like a time machine or something and could change what I did in my past life. But everything happens for a reason, so I wouldn't really change anything in my life..

I go through things just like any other human being, I'm just good at hiding it.. Which isn't good..
But oh well..

Hopefully Jaila wakes up soon.. So I can help her..

Darkness. That's all I see..

"Jaila.."I hear.

"Jaaaiiilllaaaa.."I hear again. I try following the voice, but I can't see.

"Jaila!!"I hear my brothers voice

Then out or nowhere some sort of "light" comes on..

I can see now..

I look straight and this movie started playing...

I seen some guy sitting in a room all depressed.. Just looking out the window.. He looked as if he were thinking.

Then in the next slide,I seen me and some guy in a big house with kids, I couldn't see who the guy was because he just had a blur on his face.

A next slide went to me and the guy arguing about something. It got real intense.. And then the slide switched..

To Amari laying in her room crying.. I wondered why she was crying..

She was literally bawling, like full on tears.. So many tears..

I wonder why.

The next slide had me and the guy doing something, i couldn't see because it cut off..

"'s me Emmanuel.."I looked up and my brother was right there...

"Bubbyy!!!"I smiled hugging him tightly not wanting to let go, I was afraid that if I did he would disappear.

"I'm not going anywhere Jai"He hugged me back..

"Where's daddy?"I spoke softly, letting him go.

"Somewhere.. But I came to tell you that I am happy here.. I don't like seeing You so depressed.. Stop thinking about dad & I.. When you do that you think yourself into depression, and then you have suicidal thoughts.. Which I don't want you to have.. Okay?"He looked at me..

I nodded wiping my tear stained face..

"Stop crying.. Jai I'm just tellimg you this so you can have a bright future.. Go down there and make us proud.."Emmanuel began to fade..

"Bubby!!"I whined reaching for him..

"I love you Jai baby go make me proud"He yelled..

"Wait!! When will I see you again?"I asked

"Dreams.."He whispered now gone..

I hope I wake up and make him and Daddy proud...

Beep.. Beep.. Beep.. Beep... Beeeeepppp....

Heyyyy guys..

So I updated.
Just for you guys..

I hope you guys enjoyed it..

Sorry for any mistakes.. I was half asleep writing this..





Story written for/about:{lightskinwonka}💓

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