Chapter 2

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Krystine's POV

"This is the reason those enemy ships are headed our way." He answered giving me a worried look. "I'm still confused." I said raising one of my eyebrows. "I may have stolen this from the aliens that are coming for us." He replied with a shy tone in his voice. "Wait dad are you telling me that you stole something and now they're coming after us and this is all your fault?!" I asked raising my voice at the end.

"It wasn't entirely my fault."

"You stole it."

"I had to."

"Why?" I asked wanting to know more.

"To make peace with another race. I didn't have a choice."

"We always have a choice. What matters is that you pick the right one." I said confidently while crossing my arms. He stared back at me smirking and I laughed and rolled my eyes. Suddenly there was a huge bang and we got thrown to the floor. My dad crawled over to me and grabbed my shoulders. "Come on, we need to get back to the bridge!" He yelled and helped me get up. We ran down the corridor and got into the elevator. There was another loud bang, which shook the elevator. I swallowed hard and reached for my dads' hand, keeping my eyes on the doors. He linked his fingers between mine and the elevator came to a stop. We dashed out, running for the door to the bridge.

"Captain!" Spock said glancing at my dad. "We are under attack." My dad nodded and sat in his chair. I then walked over to mine and took a seat. I scanned the ship to see where the damage was inflicted. "Krystine. Damage report." My dad said quickly. "They are separating the disk from the impulse power unit and the propulsion units!" I called back.

Seconds later, there was a massive banging sound, and an alarm began going off on the panel in front of me. "Sir, ve have lost ze pover unit and ze propulsion units!" Chekov called to my dad. I turned to see that he was looking down at the floor and tapping his fingers on the arm of the chair, obviously trying to figure something out. I knew we couldn't really do anything, because we were just a floating disk. We lost our power unit. I turned back to the big window in front of me and gasped. "Sir, we are being pulled into the gravitational pull of the planet!" Sulu practically yelled, reading my mind.

"We have no other choice Captain. We must abandon ship." Spock commented staring at my dad. My dad pressed a button on the arm of his chair, and an alarm sounded, followed by a voice.

"Red alert. All personal evacuate immediately. Report to escape pods. Red alert."

"Chekov, take Krystine to an escape ship and wait in the bay. Spock and I will meet you there. Everyone else to the escape pods!" He shouted over everyones panic. "I can do zat!" Chekov responded and my dad nodded in return. The rest of the bridge crew flooded out the doors and went right to go to the escape pods. Meanwhile Chekov and I went left to go to the escape ship bay. We got into an elevator and went down. "While this is an interesting start to my first day of work." I said putting my hands on my hips. "Indeed it is." Chekov said nodding his head.

The doors opened when we hit the right floor, and we darted down different hallways and made it into the escape ship bay. Chekov pulled out his communicator and buzzed my dad. "Ve made it Sir." He said into the device. "Thank you Chekov, now wait there until Spock and I come down." My dad responded. Chekov closed his communicator and gave me a worried look. "You must be very overvelmed. I mean, I am too. Zis has never happened to me before eizer." He commented looking around the bay. "Well there's a first for everything. It's unfortunate that this had to happen today though." I replied pacing back and forth.

Suddenly we heard footsteps running right for the bay. Finally, my dad and Spock were here. However when the footsteps rounded the corner, it wasn't them. It was Scotty and Bones.

"What are you two doing here? Why haven't you left already?" Bones asked stopping in front of Chekov and I. "Ze Captain told us to vait here for Spock and himself." Chekov said answering the question. "It's a shame that this had to happen on a big day for you eh lassie?" Scotty said as he was getting a ship ready for Bones and himself. "Aye." I responded raising then lowering my eyebrows. More footsteps could then be heard running towards us. This time, it was my dad and Spock.

"Okay are we ready to go?" My dad asked eyeing everyone of us. We all nodded our heads in response. "Perfect." He said as him and Spock walked over to the ship next to us. They got in, then Chekov and I got in ours, followed by Scotty and Bones stepping into their ship. The six of us took off at the same time, and flew out of the bay at top speed. The second we were out of the ship, there was a planet in front of us. Along with a huge crowd of tiny ships. The enemy ships.

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