Chapter 8

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Krystine's POV

Chekov stopped at the entrance of a cave. He turned his head around as much as he could, as to question if we should check inside. I nodded and he made his way in. After ten seconds, we came to a doorway. Inside was the bridge of a ship. My dad, Bones, Spock, and Scotty turned and looked at us. Oh my God they were here. This was true luck. Chekov ducked down when stepping through the doorway to ensure that I didn't hit my head on the top. He walked over to the Captain's chair that my dad was sitting in and I dropped off of his back.

"Did you hurt yourself?" My dad asked looking me up and down.

"No I was just tired of walking." I responded.

I turned to Spock and Scotty. "You're fine now?" I asked, making sure they weren't still under that weird control that they were earlier.

"Yes. I assure you that we are no longer under Krall's control." Spock said.

"Who is Krall?" I asked, confused.

"The genius that destroyed the damn Enterprise." Bones said putting his hands in fists on his hips. I kind of forgot he was here.

"Well, what do we do? Why are we in the bridge of a starship?" I asked, looking around.

"This isn't just any starship lassie. It's the ship I flew in, the USS Franklin." Scotty said answering my questions.

"The plan is to get this thing flying, and find the rest of the crew. Spock, Scotty, you gotta help us find them." My dad commented looking from me to Spock and Scotty. We all nodded our heads.

There was a sudden loud banging sound, followed by running. Six of Krall's alien soldiers came dashing into the bridge.

"Split!" My dad yelled and grabbed Bones by the arm. They ran through a door and into a hallway.

I stood frozen, not knowing where to go. Spock turned to Chekov and I. "Run!" He shouted from across the bridge.

Chekov grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the bridge. I could hear Spock and Scotty running down their own hallway. Sounds of running came from behind me. I turned my head and saw two aliens running straight for Chekov and I.

"They're right behind us Chekov!" I shouted.

"Zis vay!" He shouted back. He turned a sharp corner and began running down that hallway. I turned and followed him. Suddenly I felt someone grab the neckline of my jacket and I jolted backwards. I gasped at the sudden movement, and Chekov stopped and turned around.

"Krystine!" He yelled.

"What do you want?!" I screamed at the alien that was holding my left arm.

"I want to know where the device is. The one that was stolen from us." The other alien said.

"What? I don't know anything about a device or why it was stolen." I replied, thinking about the fact that my dad had it.

"Don't play dumb with me." He said.

"I'm not."

"Yes, you are."

"You don't know that."

"I do. I know that your father took it from us, he thought it was for a good cause, apparently." He finished. Dang it. He knew my dad took it.

"Listen, Sir. If ve knew anyzing about zis device, ve vould tell you. Yes, Captain Kirk may have taken it but how are ve supposed to know vhere he is?" Chekov said, approaching the aliens and I slowly.

"You're going to contact him and tell him to come to you." The alien responded.

Chekov didn't do anything. He just stood there, not wanting to lead my dad into this trouble.

"Do it." The alien said sternly, then placed his gun on the side of my head. Chekov's eyes widened, and he slowly pulled his communicator from his belt. I gave him a don't do it look, but he already flipped the top open.

Kirk's POV

Bones and I were in a safe place, for now. We lost the two aliens that were after us.

"Sir, zis is Chekov. Can you hear me?" I could hear Chekov say from my communicator.

I pulled it off of my belt and opened the top. "Loud and clear." I said into it.

"Good good. Krystine and I are safe now-" He paused. I could hear what sounded like muffled speech, then he finished what he was saying. "and you can come find us. Ve lost ze aliens, and ve are kind of lost."

"Chekov, this is the same layout as the Enterprise how can you be lost?" I asked. This just wasn't adding up.

I could hear more muffled speech in the background. Where was he with Krystine? Who was that speaking in the background.

"Ve uh, ve vill meet you back at ze bridge. I don't zink ve are zat far avay." Chekov said, then closed his communicator.

"That's strange." Bones said, squinting his eyes and bringing his eyebrows closer together. He was obviously just as confused as I was.

"Jim, we are almost back at the bridge. Where are you?" Scotty's voice came from my communicator now.

"Just heading back with Bones now." I replied. I closed my communicator and put it back on my belt.

"Come on Bones." I said giving him a tap on the shoulder. We stood up and began running back to the bridge. He stopped abruptly and began looking at something on the wall. I knew something was wrong with Chekov and my daughter and wanted to get going to see what was going on.

"Bones." I said to him.

"Yes?" He replied.

"Come on, lets go, I don't wanna be here all night!" I said raising my voice as the sentence went on.

"Right sorry." He responded.


AN: Hey guys thanks for reading so far. Just so you're aware that "come on, lets go, I don't wanna be here all night" sentence is an inside joke in my family and I just had to include it somehow. I just wanted to let you all know just in case you were like, where the heck did that come from? So yeah, back to the story!

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