Chapter 4

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Kirk's POV

Bones had finally found what he needed and he grabbed a rock. He hit the end of a metal rod with the rock, as he was trying to flatten it. He looked up from his work and glanced at me. "I'm gonna have to ask you to move." He said, then continued to hit the rock against the metal. I put my hands up at the height of my shoulders and stepped back to where Spock, Chekov, and Scotty were standing.

We were watching him continuously beat the metal with the rock. He then got the metal to what he desired and moved onto the next piece of equipment. I noticed that my daughter was having a hard time breathing, and wanted to make it apparent to Bones.

"Bones hurry." I said desperately trying to make him hurry up. "Dammit man I'm trying!" Bones replied. He continued smashing the rock against this metal object, and it began to spark. It finally ignited with a big spark, and he threw the rock down on the ground. "Ha." He said admiring what he had done. He picked up the metal rod and aimed the somewhat on fire piece of metal at the flattened part of the rod.

The end of the rod began heating up and turning an orange-red colour. He kept aiming it until the end had become completely yellow. He twisted it around a couple times and threw the ignited piece of metal into the river, as to not light anything on fire, and made his way over to Krystine. Ouch, that red metal was going to hurt. I braced my ears for the outcome.

Krystine's POV

In. Ah. Out. Ouch. Every breath I tried to take was filled with pain and I found it very difficult to breathe. I tried clutching my stomach even harder but that made it even worse. By now I was gasping for air. Come on Bones, hurry up I'm going to die. Finally, he walked over to me, and looked straight into my eyes.

"What's your favourite colour?" He asked smiling.

"What?" I asked, very confused. Why would he ask me that?

I gasped loudly as he pulled the huge piece of metal out of my stomach. All of a sudden I felt a flaming hot piece of metal right on my wound, and I screamed at the top of my lungs. It echoed throughout the area we were in. Bones finally removed the hot metal, and chucked it into the river. He stepped back as I began sobbing loudly, still feeling fried and in pain from the burst of heat. My dad ran over to me and placed both his hands on either side of my face. "You're okay Krystine. You're alright." He whispered trying to calm me.

"Temporary fix Jim. Temporary fix." Bones said stepping back to examine my wound to ensure that he had stopped the bleeding. In between the breathes I was desperately trying to catch, I looked at Bones. "Why were you, asking about, my favourite, colour?" I asked.

"Element of surprise. It hurts less when you don't know it's coming." He replied with a reassuring look on his face. My dad turned his head to look at Bones and gave him a really look, raising one eyebrow. Bones nodded his head in response. There was an awkward moment of silence, but Spock broke it. "Captain, I advise we begin moving, we may be found staying here." He said. "Spock, Scotty. You two scout ahead and see if you can find anything. We'll be right behind you." My dad concluded gesturing to Bones, Chekov, and myself. Spock nodded his head response and Scotty joined him as they walked away and disappeared up the hill and into the forest.

My dad turned back to me and grabbed my arms, helping me slide off of the bow of the ship. I landed on the ground and he motioned for Chekov to come over and help me walk. Chekov made his way over to me and slipped an arm around me under my arms. I took my arm and placed it around his neck and used my other arm to hold the wound on my stomach, which was still hurting.

"Jim, what are you doing?" Bones asked, while my dad was digging through the ship looking for something.

"I packed a change." My dad said as he emerged from the ship holding six sets of clothes, which consisted of navy pants, a navy jacket with either red, blue, or yellow on the shoulders, and black shirts.

"You took the time to set this out and pack it?" Bones replied in a sarcastic tone.

"Fashion is everything Bones." My dad said smiling and shoving a set of clothes with the blue on the shoulders in Bones' arms. Chekov and I chuckled a little, and I have to admit, my dad can be pretty funny sometimes.

"My God man." Bones said rolling his eyes and heading behind the ship so he could change. My dad then gave Chekov his set with yellow on the shoulders, the same for me except a smaller size, and kept an identical one for himself. He placed the set with blue and red, the ones for Spock and Scotty, on the bow of the ship and made his way behind it as Bones stepped out.

"How do I look?" Bones said as he stood in front of Chekov and I, striking a model pose.

"Stunning." Chekov replied smiling and snickering. I laughed but immediately regretted it. A burst of pain came in my stomach, due to the muscle being pierced from the metal. I stopped laughing and grunted, applying pressure to my wound.

"Sorry." Chekov exclaimed when he saw my discomfort.

"No no it's alright I'm fine." I commented glancing up at him. My dad walked over and I began making my way to the ship to change.

My dad yelled after me. "Krystine do you need he-"

"Nope!" I called back cutting him off mid sentence. No way was I letting him change me. Ew.

After I finished changing, I took my phaser and its holster from my dad and attached it around my right leg. I noticed Chekov was already in his gear and realized that he must have changed in the open.

"Is everyone ready?" My dad asked glancing at us all. We all nodded our heads in response.

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