Chapter 5

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Krystine's POV

"Where did they go?" My dad asked running his hand through his hair.

"To be fair, you told them to scout ahead. You didn't say anything about waiting for us." I replied sarcastically. My dad sighed and pulled out his communicator.

"This is Kirk to Spock. Spock can you hear me?" He said into it. Nothing. "Spock can you hear me?" He repeated. Still nothing. "Spock if you can hear me, answer!" He shouted into the gadget. There was still no reply. Not even a crackling sound. "Great." My dad said shoving the communicator back into his pocket.

"Now what?" Bones said crossing his arms and pulling his eyebrows closer together.

"We search." My dad replied while stepping over a fallen log.

Scotty's POV

"Aye did ya hear that?" I said to Spock while tensing up, getting ready for some hand to hand combat.

"Indeed I did." He responded looking around and raising an eyebrow.

More snapping sounds came from around us and we moved closer together, back to back, hands raised, fists clenched. Suddenly four of the aliens that brought down the Enterprise emerged from the woods from different directions. They were surrounding us.

"Alright, I'll take two." I whispered to Spock. There was no answer. I turned to see Spock already throwing a punch at one of the aliens, however they dodged it. I turned back to see the other two heading straight for me. I swung my hand right at its' face, but he blocked it. He grabbed my arm and twisted it, throwing me to the ground. I hit the ground and rolled over to see Spock being thrown against a tree. I saw one holding Spock's head down, while the other was pulling out a long, sharp needle. The alien jabbed the needle into Spock's neck, and all of a sudden I felt one going into my own.

They released Spock and I crawled over to him.

"Are you alright?" I asked placing my hand on the place where I was jabbed with the needle. He nodded his head in response, and I nodded back. I began to feel a weird sensation building up in my head. It almost felt as if, something was trying to take over. I tried as hard as I could to block it out, but dark thoughts and filled my brain and clouded my judgement. I looked up at Spock and he had the same blank expression on his face that I felt on my own. I couldn't think about anything else but obeying the aliens. Spock and I turned our heads in unison to face towards them.

"You will go find Captain James T Kirk and whoever else is with him and bring them to our base!" One of them shouted and pointed into the woods. I nodded my head and helped Spock stand up. The alien handed Spock and I new phasers, and we then dashed into the forest, searching for Kirk, Krystine, Bones, and Chekov.

Krystine's POV

We came to a small clearing in the woods. We looked around, trying to look for anything. Anything at all besides trees and usual forest stuff. The pain from my wound abruptly started again. I yelled "ah" at the sudden pain and grabbed my stomach, sinking to the ground and leaning on the trunk of a tree. Bones, Chekov, and my dad turned around surprised, and glanced at me. Bones ran over to me and bent over eye level with me and looked at my stomach.

"What's happening? I thought you fixed it." I said trying to mentally block out the pain coming from my stomach.

"Krystine I said it was a temporary fix. It wouldn't hold forever. I need actual medical supplies." Bones replied lifting my shirt up just enough to examine my wound.

"Uh, I don't know if zis vould help." Chekov commented looking under a pile of palm leaves that were covering up a small item. My dad ran over to him to help him get all the leaves off the object. It was a metal box with a red cross on the front.

"How convenient." Bones said with a look of relief on his face.

"You're telling me." My dad said picking the box up and bringing it over to Bones. The second the box reached Bones's hands, he riffled through it like it was a chest of gold. He pulled out a disinfectant wipe and some gauze.

"This will do the trick." He said placing the wipe on my wound. I winced as he wiped the wound until it was clean, then he applied the gauze. He then reached into the kit and pulled out a roll of medical tape. He taped the gauze over my wound and stood up, holding his hand out. I took it and he pulled me up.

"Thank you." I say and straighten out my shirt. He nodded and smiled at me.

"Shall we continue then?" My dad says raising his eyebrows.

"Yes." I reply.

My dad then looks past me squinting his eyes as if trying to see something. "Spock! Scotty! Where have you been?" He exclaims.

Suddenly I feel someone slip their arm around my throat and a phaser against my head. I look down at the arm and realize it's Spock.

"Don't move. Any of you." He says in a stern voice.

"What are you doing?!" My dad yells as Scotty emerges from behind Spock and points his phaser at him, Chekov, and Bones.

"Spock stop. This isn't you." I say but that only makes him more aggravated. I feel his arm around my throat tighten, and I now have to try very hard to breathe.

"You will all be coming with us now." Spock said in a zombie-like tone.

"No! Spock, Scotty! What has gotten into you?" My dad shouted drawing his own phaser, followed by Bones and Chekov.

Spock's grip around me tightened even more and I thought I was going to pass out. My dad recognized this and threw his hands in the air.

"Fine, we'll come with you. But you're going to have to explain this."

"Good. It would not be wise to resist." Spock said with a taunting tone in his voice. He let go of me and I collapsed to the ground, choking and gasping for air. I put my hands around my throat and my dad came running over.

"Krystine? Are you okay?" He said placing a hand on my shoulder. Still out of breathe and coughing, I nodded my head and he helped me stand up. He glared at Spock and Spock motioned his head, telling us to walk. We obeyed and made our way over to Bones and Chekov. Scotty stepped in front and led us into the woods. Spock stayed behind us as to make sure we wouldn't do anything.

What happened to them? They looked brainwashed with their blank, expressionless faces. I mean, Spock always looked like that but now he seemed, different. And I was going to find out what had happened. Where were we even going?

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