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POV Mark:
I did not see the inside of Liz' house yet. Pretty excited. As pretty as Liz.
After dinner we talk and eventually go to Liz' house. We walk in and it pretty much looks the same as Jacob's house but other furniture.
Liz: "lets go upstairs."
We go upstairs and to Liz' room. It's cute.
Jacob: "where are we gonna sleep?"
Liz: "lets all sleep on the floor, i'll get some mattresses from the attic. Can one of you help?"
Me: "i'll go."
Jacob: "okay."
We walk up the stairs to the attic.
Liz: "look there they are!"
POV Liz:
Suddenly i feel someone pushing me on to the mattresses and jumping on top of me.
Me: "woah Mark!"
He tickles me.
Me: "omg stoohhooop i'm super ticklish!"
Mark: "hahahaha. Give me something and i'll stop."
Me: "what do you wahhantt??" *still dying/laughing*
Mark: "you tell me!"
He stops and i manage to turn around.
Me: "hug?"
Mark: "okay!"
I awkwardly just lay there because i can hardly move and he awkwardly hugs me. Am i crazy or does this feel familiar?! All hugs feel the same i guess. He gets off of me and we take the mattresses to my room.
Jacob: "what was all that laughing about?"
Me: "he tickled me to death!"
POV Jacob:
Me: "o haha."
I feel like there's a little going on between them. Wow i sound like a crazy girlfriend. Liz loves me and only me, i know that. I love her more than she thinks, that's probably why I'm so protective. That's not weird right? Logical if you ask me! We put down the mattresses in a 'Y' shape. Time to change.
Liz: "did you guys bring your pajamas?"
Me: "i did!"
Mark: "shit, i forgot!"
Liz: "go get it!"
Mark: "don't feel like it, i'll just sleep shirtless and with these pants."
Liz: "if my mom sees you...!"
Mark: "she won't!"
Liz: "if you say so!"
He takes of his shirt.
Liz' mom: *walking in* "goodnight g...what is this?"
Liz: "ehhh...he forgot his pajamas!"
Liz' mom: "as long as it stays with the shirt i'm okay with it!"
Liz: "mom, it's fine. We're 13-"
Mark: "i'm 15.."
Liz: "we're not doing anything crazy!"
Liz' mom: "okay, well goodnight guys, love you sweety!"
Liz: "i love you too!"
And she goes away.
Liz: "you're 15? Wow."
Mark: "yeah, you're 13 right? When are you turning 14?"
Liz: "14th of May."
Mark: "i hope i can come over then!"
Me: "me too! What do you guys want to do tomorrow?"
Mark: "younow?!"
Me: "i haven't done a broadcast in forever, yaasss!!"
Liz: "that'll be fun!"
Me: "i think we should invite another girl for Mark!"
Liz: "yesss! But who?"
Mark: "loren?"
Me: "ooh, you like her?!"
Mark: "she's pretty."
Liz: "besides, Joey and her just broke up!"
Mark: "i'll text her, i have her phone number."
Mark texts Loren.
Mark: "now we wait."
(Okay weird thing: i wrote this chapter like 2 months ago for my fanpage and i said Joey and Loren were going to break up and now they did...😳)

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